The idea of this webpage is to help those from the Class of 1971 at Queen Elizabeth High School stay in touch.
Submitted Nov. 9, 2023 - I have had difficulty in logging in to update the website but have finally figured it out. Unfortunately, once again it is the Absent Friends section that needs to be edited with some recent obituaries. Also condolences to classmate Ken Lee whose wife Virginia died on April 7, 2023. Her obituary is here. If you have any updates to add please pass them on.
Since our last update I also ran into former classmate Bill Gibson who used to do the morning devotions over the PA system at QEH. That was good training for Bill as he ended up as a United Church Minister. He retired as the minister at the Windsor United Church in 2016. He also served as the chaplin for the Windsor Fire Department and for the Windsor Elms Village continuing care facility.
Submitted April 5, 2022 - Spurred to action by, unfortunately, some recent obituaries I have updated our Absent Friends section. Also updated the Then and Now after a little Internet creeping. If you have any updates to add please pass them on.
Submitted Mar. 29, 2021 - Classmate Phil O'Hara was recently the subject of a story in the Halifax Herald. You can check it out in our News and Views section.
Submitted Oct. 29, 2019 - Classmate Ken Lee has returned from Australia and was the subject of a recent story in the Halifax Herald.
We have another addition to the Absent Friends section with the recent death of classmate David Dellapinna. He was one of several classmates who became a minister.
Also deceased earlier this year was one of our teachers, Mr. Bhatnagar. Here are the details as printed in the Herald on May 23, 2019: Rajendra "Roger" Bhatnagar Of Delhi, India, passed peacefully at home in Mississauga, Ont., on May 8, 2019. A resident of Halifax for more than 50 years, he was a founding member of the Nova Scotia Indo-Canadian community, and taught at Queen Elizabeth High School for over 30 years. Dedicated to helping all whom he knew and loved, he is survived by daughter, Anjali (Arnold), Colorado.
Submitted Mar. 26, 2019 - We have one arrival and two departures to add to the website. Lonnie Atkinson has checked in from PEI. You can read his update in our Catching Up section. Welcome aboard, Lonnie.
Unfortunately I have to move Gary Sellon from the Then and Now section to the Absent Friends section. He died on March 18, 2019 at the age of 66. I worked several years with Gary at Nova Scotia Transportation. He was always helpful and a gentleman.
I also recently learned of another death of which I was not aware. Wendy LeBlanc, 64, died on March 14, 2018. Her married name was Wendy Suzanne Flinn.
Back on a cheerier note, classmate Chris Manning, formerly a defence lawyer from Kentville, was appointed a Judge of the Provincial and Family Courts of Nova Scotia June 4, 2018. Chris practised law for 33 years starting as a criminal defence lawyer with Nova Scotia Legal Aid. He was an avid coach of youth, men's and women's soccer in Halifax and the Annapolis Valley, and provided extensive community service, serving on boards of the John Howard Society, the Apple Tree Landing Children's Centre in Canning, the Canning Area Parents for Real Employment for challenged youth, and the IWK Children's Hospital. He was also an advisor to the Canning Volunteer Fire Department. Congratulations, Chris.
Ron Foran |
Herbert Lee |
Submitted Nov. 14, 2017 - Received information this week from two dramatic QEHers. Ron Foran was one of the stars of the QEH variety show in 1970 and Herbert Lee, who billed himself as Magic Lee, impressed us with his magic act in 1971. You can hear from both of them in the Catching Up section.
Submitted Mar. 16, 2017 - Connected with classmate Phil O'Hara through Facebook and have added him to our Then and Now section. Also heard from Herbert Lee who has promised to send us an update. I've added an update to my own profile in the Catching Up section and I invite you to do the same.
Submitted Feb. 17, 2017 - I have updated the News and Views section with a link to one of the many stories about marchers in Sandy Cove led by our own Gwen Wilson (Quigley). Thanks to some help from Steve Lacusta we were able to update some of the missing persons on the Hi-Y photos on the Then and Now section.
Submitted Jan. 21, 2017 - I have updated the Absent Friends section with a couple of obituaries. I welcome updates of a more cheerful type if you have them.
Submitted Nov. 14, 2015 - Interest in our exploits, past and ongoing, has certainly waned in the last few years. I did get a note from Camber Muir that inspired me to do this update. I am always happy to post updates if you have them.
I have signed up on Facebook, which means that particular social medium is no longer cool, and you can reach me through there if you'd like at Steve's Facebook page.
Submitted Mar. 7, 2015 - Go to our News and Views section to see a story on classmate Cathy Campbell who was inducted into the Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame last fall. We also have an update from Doug Stuewe.
Submitted June 24, 2014 - Welcome to classmate Ardra Cole who has joined our Then and Now section. Ardra says she recently returned to Nova Scotia after 28 years in Ontario where she was a professor at the University of Toronto. She is now Associate Vice-President, Research at Mount Saint Vincent University and Founder of a non-profit organization called ElderDog Canada.
Congratulations to Dr. Cathy Campbell who will be inducted into the Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame In the Builder category. The Hall says Cathy "dedicated years to bettering national soccer teams with her knowledge in sports medicine while also coaching one of the provinces greatest track stars."
There's more on Ardra and Cathy in our News and Views section as well as an update from Doug Stuewe.
Submitted Mar. 16, 2014 - Updates have been sparse here lately but I did receive an e-mail from Bryan Wood and I have posted it in the News and Views section. I also updated the Smith family photo and information in the Catching Up section. If anybody is still reading this out there I'd love to hear from you.
Submitted Aug. 13, 2013 - Condolences to two classmates whose fathers died recently. Geoff Braybrooke's dad, David, died on Aug. 7 in Austin Texas. Geoff lives now in Baltimore. Andy Raymond's dad, Phil, died on Aug. 1 in Halifax.
Thanks to Martin Felsky who updated his information for our Catching Up section.
Submitted July 29, 2013 - Sam Fried is proving to be our newsmaker of the month although I'm sure he'd prefer that he wasn't. Sam is suffering from severe migranes nad has to go to the U.S. to get the treatment that may help. Sam's family has started a website to help raise money to enable Sam to head south. You can read a couple of news accounts of Sam's dilemma in our News and Views section.
The last e-mail update I sent brought several bounce backs so I'm looking for e-mails for the following: David North, Bryan Wood, Linda Stanley, Joan Garson, Gwen Quigley, and Gordon Harrington. If you can supply them please let me know.
Submitted June 30, 2013 - Condolences to classmate Sam Fried whose mother died earlier this year. You can read stories on classmates Kathryn Edgett and Dennis Garrison in our News and Views section.
What do Class of 71ers do when they hit 60? Well two of them, Greg Snow (following through) and Steve Smith, tried their hand at lawn bowling at St. Mary's Lawn Bowling Club.
Jan. 10, 2013 - Best wishes to Ken Lee who has accepted a position with an Australian government organization and is moving to Perth, Australia. The story of Ken's departure was reported by CBC News.
Also in the news I noticed a photo of classmate Morrow Scot-Brown. He's the man in the middle here playing bass during a session at Bearly's House of Blues and Ribs in Halifax (photo by Christian Laforce of the Herald).
Condolences to classmate John March whose mother, Barbara died in December. According to the obituary John now lives in Ottawa.
Aug. 6, 2012 - Had a chance to have lunch with Gordon Harrington while he was in town for his mother's memorial service. Also saw Dr. Cathy Campbell on TV while she was tending to Canada's Womens Soccer team during the Olympics. There's a photo of Cathy in our News and Views section.
July 6, 2012 - I got a note from well-travelled classmate Jim Hamilton a couple of days ago. You can read about where he's been in our Catching Up section.
Gordon Harrington will be in town for the second half of July and is holding a memorial service for his mother on July 23 at Snow's Funeral Home.
Steve McLuskie |
May 29, 2012 - Condolences to classmate Gordon Harrington whose mother died last month. I've also added the obituary for classmates Toni Gaunt and Steve McLuskie to our growing Absent Friends section.
Steve worked as a journalist for 20 years in both the print and broadcast media. This includes work as a news editor and announcer for major-market, Canadian radio stations and in the national newsroom of the CBC as a producer and senior writer.
Jan. 28, 2012 - Condolences to classmate Ted Mussett whose father, Bob, died on Jan. 18, 2012. Classmate Greg Snow is recovering at home after being hit by a car while crossing the street before Christmas. He was laid up for several weeks with a broken leg. Also having mobility issues is Rob Gordon who is entering hospital in February for a hip repacement.
On a somewhat cheerier note Bryan Wood has supplied a photo from his son's wedding that you can look at in the News and Views section. Bill Tucker has supplied his new e-mail address but I'm still looking for new ones for Joan Garson, Linda Stanley, and Gordon Harrington.
Thanks to Chebucto Community net for renewing our free webspace for 2012. I read through my bit in the Catching Up section and noticed that several things were out of date. Please feel free to advise me if yours needs a tune up, too.
Oct. 5, 2011 - Condolences to classmate Bill Tucker whose mother died on Sept. 26. You Calgary classmates had better watch out, Steve Smith's eldest son, Jake, is now calling Cowtown home. He's a human resources consultant with Alberta Justice. I've added a photo from Les Grieve to the News and Views page as well as a story on the opening of a time capsule at the old school.
I had several e-mails bounce back from my last mailing. If anybody can provde updated e-mail addresses for Bill Tucker, Joan Garson, Linda Stanley, and Gordon Harrington it would be appreciated. |
Aug. 13, 2011 - I've added a few items to News and Views. I understand that the Wood and Fried families have both had weddings recently and I'd be happy to hear more.
On the demolition front the old school has put up a good fight, outlasting one demolition contractor, but now appears to be on its last legs.
June 6, 2011 - Good luck to classmate Ruth Legge who is holding the launch of her second book on Saturday, June 25, at 2:30 p.m. at St. Luke�s Anglican Church in Liscomb. The book is called "...shreds & nooks of land." It's a history of Liscomb, Spanish Ship Bay and Gegoggin, Guysborough County. Ruth will also be signing copies of her first book, "Sawdust & Sea Breezes."
Contact Ruth for more information.
May 4, 2011 - The demolition of QEH is proceeding. The photo at left shows what's left of the new wing looking over Bell Road.
The picture below shows the old wing still standing and where the "new" wing used to connect. These photos were taken in late April. The building is expected to be levelled by the end of June.

Thanks to classmate Steve Lacusta who provided identification for all members of Gamma Phi Hi-Y. You can see them on the Memory Lane section of the Then and Now page. Steve is going to try and track down some other identities for us.