"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Alex Ritchie, Editor, 58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8
phone (902) 469-1492 email:
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Berwick, NS
The Belles 'n' Beaus Square Dance Club of Berwick, Nova Scotia, was organized in the fall of 1962. Glen Maynard was thefirst caller. In the same year Arch Erikson became interested in learning to call, becoming the club caller in the fall of 1963, andremained the caller for the next two years. The next club caller was Don Haley, who called for them the next 35 years, up until hisretirement, a few years ago.
The club members began dancing in the Berwick High School Auditorium and later moved next door to the Anglican ParishHall. They danced there for fifteen years and when the school auditorium became the Berwick Town Gym they moved back. Theclub was small in numbers for a few years and it gradually grew in members to seven or eight squares, but now has shrunk in size totwo or three squares again.
The club has celebrated several anniversaries as the years progressed and is now celebrating its 40th year of Square Dancing. The 40th Anniversary Dance held on October 26th, 2002,was celebrated with a large crowd of over twenty squares in attendance. Four of the club callers were in attendance. They were, Arch Erikson, Don Haley, Wilfred Burns, and Barry Walker. Several presentations were made through theevening. The SRDFNS presented the BerwickBelles 'n' Beaus with a certificate of appreciation for40 years of continuous dancing. SRDFNScertificates for over 20 years of continuous dancingwith the Belles 'n' Beaus were also presented to:Harris & Thelma Huntley (39yrs), Esther Chute(38yrs), Evelyn Shaw (31yrs), Ed & Betty Chiasson(29yrs), Lawrence Ernest (29yrs), Cordell & EdenaLevy (26yrs), George & Pearl Wotton (20yrs). Theabove dancers also received service bars from theclub for their appropriate years of continuousdancing as did the following: Stuart Wotton (20yrs),Dean & Barb Walker (17yrs), Barry Walker (16yrs),Pauline White, Bernie Jackson, Barb Ernest, TommyCollins & Marion Richards (15yrs), Jack & IreneBarlow (10yrs).
Special credit for the organization and chairing of the committees for this successful event goes to Wilfredand Goldie Burns, who due to their extreme modesty were not recognized for their twenty-two years ofdedication to the club, and their many years of teaching classes, as well as being Past Presidents.However, on the left is Inge Ruohoniemi, SRDFNS President, presenting Wilfred Burns with a retirementcertificate recognizing 32 years of calling.
Kings West MLA, Jon Carey presented the Belles 'n' Beaus with a certificate of accomplishment from the Nova ScotiaGovernment. The Town of Berwick representative, Mike Trinacty, welcomed the dancers and guests to the town and also offeredcongratulations to the club for their accomplishment. He briefly listed many of the events and activities the Belles 'n' Beaus have beena part of in the Town of Berwick over the past 40 years.
Lifetime memberships were presented by Esther Chute on behalf of the club to the following couples: Arch & Peg Erikson,Don & Louise Haley and Wilfred & Goldie Burns.
The club honour roll was read by Vice Presidents,Willis & Frances Kinsman. It was noted that there was aname for each of the 40 years of dancing. A moment ofsilence was observed in their honour.
Pictures and posters were brought to the celebrationshowing some of the early years of dancing both with theBelles 'n' Beaus and other area clubs. Some of these wereprovided by the SRDFNS archives thanks to Glen & BettyLeck. A grand time was had by all with Don Haley as thefeatured caller for most of the evening with Wilfred Burns &Barry Walker helping out, sharing the closing tip. Therewere dancers, former dancers and guests from many areas ofthe province as well as family members. Many thanks to allthose who helped make this a successful 40th celebration.
Respectfully submitted,
Thelma Huntley,
Dean & Barb Walker
On April 19, 2002, the A1 squares at BloomfieldCentre, Halifax, known as the Tidal Waves, unfurled theirnew banner.
The banner depicts a square dance couple amidsttheir music surrounded by tidal waves. The banner wasdesigned and made by club members Reta and Paul Blades.
The 'Tidal Waves' are an extension of theMainstream 'Merry Makers' and the Plus 'Ocean Waves'.
Caller Kerry Fletcher graduated a new class inMay 2002 to join the existing A1 club members.
The banner's maiden journey was to the NationalConvention in Saint John, New Brunswick, last July andwas proudly displayed with all other banner from near andfar. More recently it helped decorate the walls at MCCA inCharlottetown. The club meets on Friday nights at theBloomfield Centre, Halifax.
The Tartan Twirlers (not be confused with the former Tartan Twirlers of Dartmouth), a Square & Scottish Country Dance Club, hasformed in the Valley. They have had their start up dances this January, and will be dancing regularly on Wednesdays at the ThreeRivers Community Centre, 41 Messenger Rd., Torbrook. Their class is from 7 to 8 pm and the Club dances from 8 to 10 pm. Callerfor the club is Mary Dunlop. They will not be dancing on Feb. 26, or March 5 & 12.
New Years Eve was a celebration to behold. We had a wonderful time enjoying the dancing, survivor game, the nine pingame and the fellowship of all our dancing friends.Cole Harbour Place is an excellent facility to host any of our functions. The mealwas superior, the decorations were beautiful.Terry Hebert gave us awonderful, fun evening of dancing. We thank Terry for his gracefulmanner and expert calling. Terry's program was enjoyed by all. The facility is booked again for this year's celebration. Don't delay inscheduling this on your calendars.
For those of you who are wondering about Clifford Bishop, he ishome and recovering very well.He plans to return to dancing verysoon. He had an angina attack. Clifford we wish you good healthand hope to see you soon.
This year the Fund will hold and sponsor the
Sunday Evening August 17th thru August 22nd, 2003
Tentatively at the Debert Hospitality Centre in Debert.
The principal teacher will be Norm Wilcox from Ontario
and he will be assisted by Dottie Welch and Kerry Fletcher.
The school will be designed for both new and experienced Callers, so if you think you would like to become a Caller or if as a calleryou would like to improve your skills, reserve the week of August 17th to 22nd for an experience you will not regret. Details andregistration forms will soon be available. For the time being, think seriously about this opportunity and reserve those dates.
Prominent Square Dance Caller and former Chairman of DANS,
James Gordon Alguire (Jim), died August 28, 1993.
Jim was a very active and hard working member of the Board of Directors and Square Dance Consultant to Dance NovaScotia for many years and served as its Chairman through a very difficult period in development of DANS. For his outstandingcontribution to Dance Nova Scotia, Jim was awarded an Honorary Life Membership.
Jim started and with his wife, Pat, was caller for several Square Dance Clubs in the Metro area, including the Metro MerryMakers, Crosstrail Dancers, Scotia Dancers, and Ocean Waves Square Dance Club. He also assisted other Callers in the developmentof Clubs in Nova Scotia and in Newfoundland.
He was a staff member for DANS Summer Leadership Course which helped develop and train many new Square and RoundDance Teachers. Members of Nova Scotia Dance Federation know Jim as an excellent Caller/Teacher at their Annual Dance Camp.
He was an active member of ANSSRDT (Association of Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance Teachers) holding executivepositions including President and Square Dance Coordinator, where he was notably successful with the training program for Callers. He was very active with MCCA (Maritime Callers and Cuers Association) where he also held prominent executive positions and wasConvention Chairman on numerous occasions, including the most recent held at the World Trade & Convention Centre in Halifax thispast November. He was also a member of CALLERLAB (an international organization of Callers) and served on its EducationCommittee.
Jim was a successful businessman who owned and operated Plastics Maritime Ltd. An avid outdoors man, he was a pastgame warden in Shubenacadie and operated several woodlots throughout Nova Scotia. He was active in hockey, football,cross-country and downhill skiing. He was a member of Bay Road Volunteer Fire Department and Bay Road BMS Club.
Jim was a dedicated individual who set goals for himself and worked tirelessly toward their achievement. Hisaccomplishments and accolades are many, but most numerous of all are his friends.
Dear Square Dancer and Square Dance Clubs:
Regardless of where you square dance in Nova Scotia, you are reaping the benefits of the countless hours of Caller training conductedby the late Jim Alguire. A past president of ANSSRDT and MCCA, two Callers associations devoted to Caller training andimprovement, Jim also served on the Staff of the DANS Square and Round Dance Leadership Course for eight of its ten years ofoperation. He served as Chairman of Dance Nova Scotia, a Government agency devoted to the promotion of all forms of dance inNova Scotia. Jim also conducted his own Callers Schools for the Callers of Newfoundland. I can think of no Caller in our Province,old or new, who has not been influenced by Jim and his efforts to improve the quality of square dancing for our dancers.
In an effort to continue the training of new and existing Callers, to which Jim dedicated so much of his time, a scholarship fund hasbeen established in his memory. If, as an individual dancer or as a club, you would like to see the square dance activity continue togrow and prosper, you can invest in its future leadership. Let us all give something back to this activity that has given each of us somany hours and years of good times and good friends.
Contributions to THE ALGUIRE CALLERS MEMORIAL FUND can be forwarded to:
The Alguire Callers Memorial Fund
Alex Ritchie, Treasurer
58 Oakdale Crescent
Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8