"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Alex Ritchie, Editor, 58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8
phone (902) 469-1492 email:
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On Wednesday, 27 Oct 99, the Scotia Dancers held theirAnnual Halloween Dance. Dancers were encouraged todress up in costumes for the event. Over three squares ofStardusters descended on the dance with suspiciousmotives. The Scotia Dancers had previously taken asquare up to their Club and stolen their travel banner.The Stardusters crept back in force, not only to retrievetheir banner, but to steal the Scotia Dancers' banner aswell. Our banner was given up after the Stardusters'horde marched around the dance floor with the usualgood-natured jibes and complaints from the defenders ofour banner.
However, they did not walk away with the prizes for thebest costumes - our own Presidents, Terry Warner andJoyce Whynott took first prize and Gordon and BettyHogan took the other prize. A fun night was had by alland our new class joined in for a tip at the end. The greatquantity of food was descended upon, along with somegrumbling that our guests, the Stardusters (all bannerthieves), were asked to lead the rush to the laden foodtables.
We had a real medicalemergency during theevening - a dancer cutthe tip of his finger.Someone in a nurse'scostume applied firstaid, a band-aid.However, the nurse musthave been new or undertraining, she had to usetwoband-aids, the first one stuck to her "official operatinggloves". It was pointed out that the Scotia Dancers hadanother fun night coming up - a Crazy Hat Dance on 17Nov 99 and all were invited back for it. Likely we willsneak back into the Stardusters Club with a couple ofsquares to retrieve our banner and steal theirs before ourCrazy Hat Dance which will probably bring them backagain.
SENIORS EXPO. Once again, the Federation will beoperating a booth at the Expo on 21/22 July, 2000. Each NSclub is asked to provide onecouple for one day to sit at thebooth. Volunteer dancers will also be needed for thedemonstration dancing. Dancers in proper dress receive freeadmission to the Trade & Convention Centre in Halifax.Mark your calendars now.
AGM 2000. To be held on Saturday 23 September, 2000. Theday will begin at the Bloomfield Centre, Halifax with theAnnual General Meeting. After lunch, there will be aSymposium/Seminar/Workshop session to provideinformation for dancers. Booths will be set up by variousagencies of interest to NS square & Round dancers. After thissession, the AGM will reconvene to complete its business.The Caller & Cuer members of ANSSRDT will host a dancethat evening at the Bedford Junior High School. All readersare asked to mark your new calendars for 23 Sept.
FEDERATION BANNER.The time-worn old FederationBanner has been retired to the Archives. A new one is beingconstructed for unveiling in the year 2000!
FESTIVAL '01. The FESTIVAL Banner has been turnedover to the Valley Region to plan and host the nextFESTIVAL/Convention in 2001. Your FESTIVAL surveyreturns will be put to good use for FESTIVAL 01.
YOUTH DANCING. The Canadian Society has produced an excellent video called "COOL MOVES", aimed at the youthand promoting Square & Round dancing. It is available to anyclub interested in becoming involved with a family, church,or other youth club group. Contact Ralph Macdonald at 783-2731.
FEDERATION PROMOTION. Readers are invited to passalong the above information to other dancers and to alsoencourage them to subscribe to this "official bulletin" & theCalendar of our Nova Scotia Federation. Subscriptionrequests with $15 should be sent to: Treasurer, SRDFNS, Douglas & Audrie Hill, RR3, Lunenburgh, NS B0J 2C0.
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![]() Tied 1st Place By Hand - Edna Fitzherbert | ![]() Tied 1st Place - By Hand - Leslie Smith |
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Nova Scotian Dancers
(1947 - 1999)
On Saturday, November 6th, Harlan Yorke diedsuddenly while working in his family's blueberryfields at Kirkhill near Parrsboro, Nova Scotia. Hisunexpected and untimely death at the age of 52 hasleft his family and friends in a state of shock andsadness. We extend our deepest sympathy toMargaret, his family and friends.
Harlan and Margaret have been square dancingsince 1968 when they joined the class of the TartanTwirlers. After the Tartans dissolved in the springof 1985, the Yorkes joined the Lake City Swingers. Although conflicting time schedules only allowedthem to dance with the Lake City Swingers for threeyears, Harlan has continued to contribute theblueberries for the 'Swing Into Fall' dance eversince. They also danced Plus with the Eager Eightsduring all of the club's existence (1979-1988) andwere in the first graduating class of the Sail SetsAdvanced Dancers. They have been loyal anddedicated members of the Sail Sets since 1985,assisting with every class and helping with hallarrangements since the club has danced atGrosvenor Wentworth Park School.
The Yorkes were Business and Finance Chairmanfor the 3rd Canadian National Square and RoundDance Convention held in Halifax in 1982. Thanksto their careful management of the finances,Convention `82 realized a significant profit whichbecame the backbone of the finances for therevitalized Provincial Federation. Since then Harlanhas continued to support the Federation by offeringfree accounting services to audit the books eachyear.
In addition to our loss in the square dancecommunity, Harlan was also treasurer for both theAtlantic Canadian Amateur Dancesport Associationand Corté, the Dance Club of Halifax. Dancers inNova Scotia have lost a diligent and conscientiousworker whose quiet contributions will be sorelymissed. Those of us who have danced with Harlanand Margaret for many years have also lost a specialfriend whose loyalty, dependability and gentlekindness will not be forgotten. by Dottie Welch
Were you at the annual General Meeting? Here are most of the attendees.