CSuite Problems

Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 23:15:08 -0300 (ADT)
From: David Murdoch <murdoch@csuite.ns.ca>
To: John Kurilec <jmk@ofcn.org>
cc: csuite-install@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <csuite-install-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, John Kurilec wrote:

> Hi David,
> Well I guess I am making progress.  After reloading the software I was able
> to get the administration area running and was able to approve accounts.
> I have found a few more problems.  As a user if I highlight the "Browse your
> files (go file) I receive a message: File is not in a publically accessable
> area.

For a shell user you would need to create a new lynx.cfg file without the 
entries found at the end of CS_ROOT/etc/lynx.cfg
and set your shell path to find the new lynx.cfg probably by wrapping the
lynx binary to specifically look for it.
lynx -cfg=/path/to/new/lynx.cfg

> When I try to "View your disk usage and Quota" I receive a message
> Alert: unable to access document.

Quota is not automatically setup by CSuite. Have you installed your OS 
with quotas enabled?

> Now for a couple of other questions.
> When installing the program are the special accounts supposed to be set up
> (i.e. techhelp etc) or do they have to be set up using csuite.  If that is

cs_tech is a group that users can join to volunteer and be given access to
appropriate areas of the system to work; user csuite can action additions
through the group edit links in csuite's file browser. techhelp could be a
mailing list that users send their questions to and the list is staffed by
appropriately qualified volunteers willing to answer them.

> the case than I presume a user account would have to be set up and than 
> changed to a custom account name.

A user account can be custom without first being a generic ab123 type.
The default options are that custom named users pay more.

> Another question is it possible to have the idle timer ignore selected
> accounts such as csuite or a shell account?

Yes there is an exception script to allow this. I'll let somebody else
handle the details.

> I was also wondering why you don't recommend installing X Windows.

Because most sites using CSuite for the first time have enough to cope
with, we felt recommending against adding a distraction in the form of a
graphical interface since it does not really enhance running CSuite but
instead occupies resources it might need.

> How is the new beta version coming?  If I installed a newer Redhat what would
> I have to do to install the new CSuite software.

It is in testing stage and you would be most welcome to become a beta

> Thanks
> John
> -- 
> John M. Kurilec
> Organization For Community Networks
> P.O. Box 32175  -  Euclid, Ohio 44132-0175
> Voice: 216-731-9801  Fax: 216-731-9802
> URL: http://ofcn.org
> Consider making a donation and support your Free-Net/Community Network

David Murdoch CET
     Regional Community Access Project (CAP) Coordinator for HRM, 
     Operations Manager and Technical Coordinator, Chebucto Community Net
         http://www.chebucto.ns.ca - 902 422 2110 voice

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