
To: Giselle Corkum <>
References: <Pine.GSO.4.10.10007191657020.14928-100000@borg>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 18:11:27 -0300
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Sounds good. I would suggest Chase Bldg if someone would get the key.

Doug McCann

Quoting Giselle Corkum <>:

> Hello,
>    David Potter and I suggest we have a joint meeting of the IP and
> technical committees, as soon as possible.  This would be to make some
> decisions on the future changes required for the IPDB.  Please let us know
> who will coordinate this meeting.  We suggest tomorrow evening at
> 6:00 would be a good time.
> Please reply as soon as possible.
> Giselle Corkum

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