Welcome to Our Web Page




When this web page began more than twenty years ago, it described most of the activities of our whole family. Now that most of our children have flown the coop, it is mostly about what Ann and I (Dave) have been up to. I update it most weekends. We save all the messages over the past year in an Archive along with links to what we were doing ten and twenty years ago.

You can click on the pictures above to get a bit more information about each of us.

Monday August 26

Vogler's Cove

Vogler's Cove

A week ago Saturday, Ann and I rode with the Ramblers from Risser's Beach to Mill Village with a stop at Vogler's Cove along the way. It is a lovely ride along the South Shore with some spectacular scenery. We had lunch at the Riverbank General Store in Mill Village and a coffee with Pauline, Dave, Manon and Gail at the Broad Cove Café on the way back. On our way home we stopped at Sweet Ride Cycling in Mahone Bay to have the kick stand on Ann's bike adjusted; they installed it back in the spring but it was about half an inch too long and not straightforward to shorten. David had pizza ready for us when we got home again.

The next day, August 18, was Ann and my 40th wedding anniversary. Hurricane Ernesto was passing by us to the south so in the afternoon we went out to Cow Bay and Lawrencetown Beach in to look at the high surf. For dinner we went to Oxalis, a fancy restaurant in downtown Dartmouth, where we sat outside on their patio and both had the "Chef's Experience" fixed menu with matching wines: bread, olives and crudités, seared scallop, rainbow trout, potato-truffle caramelle pasta, and magret duck breast. Ann had the dark chocolate and cherry dessert but, not being a fan of cherries, I substituted the lemon custard and vanilla mousse. During the meal we reminisced about some other memorable meals we had had in Cádiz, Spain, in Connelles, France, in Milan and in the Magdalen Islands.

The Monday Railers ride was rained out due to the aftermath of Ernesto, but we rode with the Roadents on Wednesday and with the Halifax Railers on Thursday. We were out again today for the regular Monday Railers ride but most of them were on a trip to PEI so there were only myself, Ann and Kimmie. On the Shearwater Flyer, when we crossed Caldwell Road, there was a police car blocking the trail on the other side. The officer allowed us through, though when we got to Bissett Road we had to cross some police tape to exit from the trail. When we returned from Lawrencetown Beach, where we had lunch, the trail was still closed. We later found out that a bear had been spotted in the vicinity and had possibly attacked someone; the police wouldn't say for sure. We returned by the trail through Cole Harbour, then out Montague Road and in along Waverley Road, stopping at Nine Locks Brewery where Kimmie and I picked up some beer, then again at Cottage Café for coffee and treats. We parted ways with Kimmie there as she headed back to Halifax (completing 150 kms by the time she was done; we only did 57 kms) and we went home.

On Friday afternoon, our biking friend Jane dropped in for a visit and a tour of the garden. We had tea on the back deck and sent her home with a bag full of vegetables.

Last Saturday was the annual Ramblers barbecue at Paul and Catherine's house in Hubley. It is a lovely location with a large yard leading down to Lizard Lake. It was also a lovely day. Since I am on the club executive, I was part of the crew getting things set up and cleaning up afterwards; though there was no requirement for her to do so, Ann also came along to help. There was an excellent turn out of about 65 this year.