Greetings and welcome to our first issue of the new year! We separate
fact from fiction on the year 2000 issue, explore our users' own
web resources, introduce you to the virtual secretary you never knew
you had, let you in on some Chebucto secrets, update the latest
CCN news and more, right here in one place. Come in and look around!
The Beacon is edited by
Andrew D. Wright
who welcomes your
This Issue:
The User Reference Index:
Margaret C. Douma continues to solve
the age-old CCN problem of useful information being available in the CCN Archives, but
not being easy to find. Try looking for it here!

The CCN Beacon Y2K Section:
Andrew D. Wright
tells you what you need to know to cope with the infamous Year 2000 problem in this
special section. How to diagnose your computer, how to fix Microsoft Windows,
where to look for information about your software and hardware, and links to
resources are all right here!
Nostalgia On The Net:
Margaret C. Douma
looks at another reason why people are on the internet - to enshrine
their favorite TV shows. What some of these people have done will surprise
CCN IP Haven:
Glenn Euloth
explores mailing lists, the CCN Information Provider's secret weapon,
in Part I of a two part series on majordomo, CCN's virtual secretary.
Full Sail:
Norman De Forest
has written the definitive guide to beta-tin, the "recalled to life"
version of the Usenet newsreading program familiar to pre-upgrade CCN users. Bookmark
this file as it is all there will be published on the subject.
Robert W. Keereweer
showcases the web pages of some Chebucto users who have built interesting
and enlightening sites in their web space. Find out how you can do the same!
Userhelp FAQ:
Andrew D. Wright
answers three new questions from the files of
CCN Userhelp. When is
Tin coming back? Why do I get a dead.letter file when I cancel an email? Where do
I write for CCN User Support?
The Chebucto Community Net is a volunteer-run network. Check here
for information on what you can do to help out - and how we can
help you!
Back Issues
CCN Beacon. Volume
1 Numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Opportunity for Growth!
The CCN Beacon is in need
of writers, columnists and graphics designers. Your reward is a credit
which will last the ages, the knowledge that hundreds of people
will read your words and the experience - an opportunity for growth.
Send in a small sample of your work or URL to
We need a couple of our regular column spots filled, and perhaps start up some new ones.
Ideas for feature articles as well as writers wishing to 'freelance' writing them are more
than welcome as are graphics people to help illustrate. Write in for more information.
Next Issue:
Don't Panic!
Coming April! Our year 2000 coverage continues as the
picture (hopefully) becomes a bit clearer. If you tested
your computer and it failed, don't despair! We'll be offering
some solutions.
Plus: more about IP mailing lists, more power user tips
and more features, right here in the CCN
Beacon: your window on the Internet, coming April!
This site built with handmade HTML by
Andrew D. Wright