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Antigonish Women's Resource Centre
Last Modified on: 05/23/95
How to Contact
- Contact: MarthaMcGinn
- Address:
204B Kirk Place, 219 Main St. - Antigonish, NS -B2G 2C1
- Category: non-government organization
- Objectives
- The Resource Centre is an intregal part of the community. Women turn to the Resource Centre for information and assistance, referrals and advocacy. The Centre is a friendly plac
e for women to enjoy a cup of tea and friendly conversation. Women come to the Centre for; information and peer counselling, self-help and support groups, educational workshop, presentations and films, referrals to other community resources, a space for m
eetings and group work, a lending resource library, legal and medical advocacy, volunteer opportunities, celebrations.
- Area(s) of Activity
- women's issues
- Present projects
- Programs include: work-force re-entry, workshops on issue
s related to health, self-esteem, and violence against women. The Resource Centre participates in research in areas vital to women like sexual harassment and poverty.
- Publications
- Quarterly newsletter, 'AWAre".