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Lester Pearson Institute
Last Modified on: 05/23/95
How to Contact
- Contact: KristineAnderson
- Address:
1321 Edward St. - Halifax, NS -B3H 3H5
- Category: education institution
- Objectives
- DAL-Outreach; The Development Awareness and Learning Outreach Programme is a non-formal, non-academic international development education programme designed to promote an awareness of development issues, problems and policy, and to foster an understanding of global interdependence and sustainable development within both the university community and the larger public community
- Area(s) of Activity
- social justice
women's issues
aboriginal/first nations
- Present projects
- 1) Campus Development Education Fund- supporting student initiatives.
2) Independent Campus Programming- Brown Bag Lunch Series, International Women's Week Program, Summer Video Series, lectures and seminars.
3) Cooperative Community Programming- in cooperation with NGO's
4) Publications: Pearson News, and Pearson Notes
- Publications
- Pearson News- bi-weekly newsletter distributed on campus and surrounding community
Pearson Notes- a bi-monthly journal-type publication which features articles on topical development issues.
- Committees
- The International Development Campus Council (IDCC), formed "93