Information Provider Services/IPDB

Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 19:50:01 -0300 (ADT)
From: "David L. Potter" <>
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I'm working through a major overhaul of the CSuite 'Information Provider' 

Chebucto is interested in a more formal 'fee' and 'agreement expiry' 
system. The new system will accomodate IP accounts that more closely 
resemble a commercial ISP especially the ability to ftp documents 
directly in and out of the IP directory.

Because Chebucto wants this soonest the first cut will address issues 
that have been identified here.... however, will I'm digging around in 
there I might as well solicit opinion and the wish list for other sites.

I'm looking at:

- a single interface for all money related transactons (memfind will hunt 
down the appropriate record.)

- the creation of two accounts that at Chebucto will have ftp access to 
files and pop and Webmail access to email.

- The IP creation process will create a new category 'on the fly' if 

- Chebucto Volunteer Editors (eg the Religion editor) will be able to 
update non-money items in the database.

- I'll probably add a .no_rcs option that will disable RCS so old style 
accounts and new PPP accounts will be able to work side by side.

- I'm adding a 'pick the expiry date' option for those wierd situation 
when the office mathematician works it out with a pencil...

What other ideas are floating around...?

david potter

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