Phantom guest logins

Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 06:54:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Lott <>
To: CSuite Technical Team <>
cc: Report System Problems <>, Linux Mailing List <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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Lately we have been getting a lot of "phantom" logins by guest.
They are reported by 'who' and 'finger' but not by 'w'. 

An example 'who' listing:  
"guest tty??  May 16 17:58 (".

Note the 'tty??'.  

At the moment there are 24 of these listed by 'who'.  There is no process
number associated with them so I can't kill the process.  The only way
I've been able to get rid of them is by re-booting. 

We are running Linux RH 5.0.   Kernel 2.0.32

Can someone tell me HOW this happens?
Should I be looking in Linux or CSuite?

Cheers, David.

David M. Lott
System Administrator
P.G. Free-Net
Prince George, BC, Canada.

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