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Index of Subjects On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 13:08:25 -0400 (AST), you wrote: >On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Don wrote: > >> cobequidnet:/var/csuite/src/lib/getdate# yacc parser.y >> yacc: 8 shift/reduce conflicts. >> cobequidnet:/var/csuite/src/lib/getdate# > >That's right. You could just run "make" in that directory and it'd take >care of updating the right files for you. OK I ran make and there were a number of warnings which I assume are normal... here's the dialog... cobequidnet:/var/csuite/src/lib/getdate# make byacc parser.y byacc: 8 shift/reduce conflicts. mv -f parser.c cc -c parser.c -o parser.o parser.y:158: warning: `timeconv' was declared `extern' and later `static' parser.y:192: warning: `daylcorr' was declared `extern' and later `static' parser.y:426: warning: `lookup' was declared implicitly `extern' and later `stat ic' cc -o getdate getdate.o parser.o rm parser.c >(You'd still have to copy the new getdate into /var/csuite/lib - make just >takes care of compiling.) and I presume with file ownerships as well? //Don
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