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Index of Subjects On May 14, 8:23am, Daryle Niedermayer wrote: } } We've moved to proftpd to give us much of this configurability and extra } options (like prohibiting an ftp login as root (very Very VERY bad scene } that one is)). This could have been achieved simply by creating $CS_ROOT/etc/ftpd/ftpusers and placing the users in it that you didn't want to have FTP access. I have done this in the CSuite source tree for the 1.1 release. CSuite uses a modified version of wu-ftpd. The main feature of the one included with CSuite 1.0 was to keep users within their home directory and prevent them from accessing dot files. The new version that will come with CSuite 1.1 will also let users have direct access to files in their own IP area. This is something that you won't get with a different ftpd. I see this as a very important feature and a reason to use the CSuite ftpd, since it greatly simplifies the process of maintaining IP's for people that develop their web pages off-line. }-- End of excerpt from Daryle Niedermayer
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