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Index of Subjects Is there no service in Canada which can, for a small fee, provide this service? Colin W. On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Dave Wile wrote: > Hello, > Recently the Cobequid Community Network is unable to log into the > microsoft's, it seems that it can enter other sites without a > problem but for some reason it cannot get into this site. What it does is > ask whether you want to P Proceed, G Get the URL, D Download, etc. but > when you try to proceed it goes to the cookie requesting area and it does > not let you get past this you are automatically given the opportunity to > download the file or files but you are not allowed to view the letters you > may have on hotmail. I have not been doing anything on the server in quite > sometime, I am not sure whether any of the others who have root access > have done anything to cause this problem. I was wondering if anyone knew > what was going on with our server and how where we could look to find the > answer to the problem? > >
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