C-L> Fwd: There's No Place Like Home - Telnet Service

Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 20:17:50 -0300
To: david@cs.dal.ca, djm@chebucto.ns.ca, potter@chebucto.ns.ca,
From: Robert Cormier <trc@auracom.com>
Cc: csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca

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Is this a service similar to CSuite Remote Sites Access capability, or
something else?  

>Sender: owner-club-libertel@CAM.ORG
>THIS is the kind of thing Community Networks can provide to the members of
>their community -- cheap and easy to do, and really helpful to people.
>=============Fwd from "telecommunities"=====================================
>Hi folks,
>Visiting the Edmonton area? Now you can easily telnet back home!
>Edmonton FreeNet is happy to announce that visitors to the Edmonton area
>can now use a link on our Guest Page to easily telnet back home to their
>Community Network or FreeNet. Visitors can use a Public Access Terminal,
>found in every Public Library, City Hall and elsewhere, or local dial up
>access at 428-3929.
>At the log in prompt simply type the word guest and then follow the first
>link on the Guest Page: There's No Place Like Home. 
>>From the list of Community Networks choose the one where you have a
>membership and our system will let you telnet directly there. 
>We invite all the other Community Networks to include our telnet address
>on their guest pages as well. The details of how this is done and how well
>it is working will be discussed at a workshop at Telecommunities Canada
>'97 in Halifax this summer lead by John Boeske, our Systems Manager, and
>"There's No Place Like Home" is found at
>http://www.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca/ops/canada.html or by telnetting to:
>freenet.edmonton.ab.ca and entering guest as the log in id.
>If your Community Network is not listed please e-mail us at
>office2@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca with the name and telnet address. We will
>add it promptly. At the moment we are only listing the major Canadian
>FreeNets. We hope the list will soon include most of the world.
>Every traveller deserves the opportunity to get back home electronically
>to a Community Network. We're happy to make it easy and obvious. 
>This is another free community service from the members of Edmonton
>	              >>>>>>>>>>>> - <<<<<<<<<<<<	
>Keith E. W. Gross - Executive Director & Postmaster - Edmonton FreeNet 
>*Edmonton's Community Network - Text AND Graphic access to the WWW.*
>      Learn more about us at: http://www.freenet.edmonton.ab.ca 
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