August 27, 1997
October 8, 1997
Workshop Index
more notes coming :-)
To capture a better sense of where we want to go with the various
development items on our agenda, it was agreed that a Thread
(on CSuite-dev) to capture proposed projects (and to act as a
reservoir of potential projects for developers to pick up.
This should be especially valuable for engaging new CS students
and others with the group.)
Topic List
It was suggested that the old option -p for Pico, to suppress the
filename query on saving the result of an edit, should be resurrected,
for use in the new "lupdate" editor script. This is especially relevant
for the comments, which are generated in a /tmp file, and for which
there is no purpose in allowing a user to change the filename.
The discussion raised the question of file copying on CCN. Often a user
may wish to make a copy of a file to serve as a template for a new file
or a new version, and there is no documented method of doing so, other
than the workaround of editing the file, and saving the result to a new
filename. As this seems a reasonable, if not efficient, strategy it
would be desirable for lupdate to allow such a filename change, which
cannot be done in the current version, as it edits a copy of the file
in /tmp. Appropriate modification of other methods should also be
so that a straight copy could be made (e.g. Lynx key or menu item)
Topic List
IP installs from beta-lynx fail. Further details are available in
the beta-lynx mailing list.
Several functions do not work correctly, in the "fr" language setting,
or the same as they do in the "en" setting.
- Print-->file prints the "print menu page" rather than the target file.
- Download -->(any method)--> download instructions redisplays the
download instructions page, on completion, rather than returning to
the download method selection page, which is much much more convenient.
- Deletion of file in file browser does not force removal of the
deleted item from the display (refresh the page) as it should - thus
inadvertently trying to link the file may either access the cached
copy, or give a file-not-found error message.
- When saving an HTML file which does not have a DTD defined, a
DTD line is inserted in the file.
- When saving an HTML file which does not have a "Base href" line, one
inserted when none existed in the original. This may be useful for some
users, but is very awkward for off-line editing. It does not serve as a
record of the source, as that is included in a comment as well.
Topic List
There is a priority need for the RTS to be set up, with two
databases and access lists, one for CCN, one for CSuite. --> CG
Topic List
Discussion about file sharing between and the new server
concluded that a satisfactory completion of the install was needed, then
NFS mounts (csuite/info, csuite/home) could be done. A private network
link between the two machines might improve performance.
A status report is needed. (JF, DT, LB)
Transfer of services - http is suggested first, with NFS mount.
Trent will be asked to install new memory in the new server.
DT will do the NFS mounts.
Topic List
Two issues were noted with regard to site updates:
- Method to upgrade while preserving a selected amount of
"Local content / local changes"
- Method to extract local changes and contribute them to CSuite
- Remote investigative tool - cgi-bin tool to retrieve versions,
checksums, etc, from remote site.
Topic List
The option of remote access to our CVS archive brought up a long
discussion on methods of securing access to that material. At this
point we have not resolved all of the authentication issues, but
it is an item we should work towards. In the meantime, local
access arrangements will be discussed as necessary.
Topic List
August 27, 1997
October 8, 1997

![[CCN Homepage]](../../../../Icons/home.gif)