Gif Viewer 2.0 by David Jansen Option "A" displays the disk directory of the current device. Press any key return to the main menu, press stop to abort. Option "B" sets the current device. The device number can range from 8-11. Option "C" determines the graphic mode used when drawing a GIF, and also the file format to be used when saving an image (see option "H" below). When this option is "Yes" the GIF is drawn in hi-res multi-color mode. When "No" standard hi-res mode is used. Option "D" applies to multi-color mode only and determines the screen width. The physical screen size in multi-color hi-res mode is 160 x 200. This option should normally be set to 160 so that it matches the screen display. You can, however, set it to 320. This will cause greater distortion of the image because you will be drawing a 320 pixel width on a 160 pixel wide screen. The advantage of this is you see more of the image on screen. Option "E" allows you to scroll the viewing window left or right. The value here determines the horizontal starting position. The horizontal viewing range is: value of option "E" to value of option "E" + screen width - 1 Option "F" allows you to scroll the viewing window up or down. The value here determines the vertical starting position. The vertical viewing range is: value of option "F" to value of option "F" + 199 Option "G" allows you to use gray scaling. When this option is set to "Yes" all colors will be translated to a shade of gray. While this mode strips the color from an image you will find that it often produces the best results. Option "H" allows you to save the previously viewed GIF. Before using this option you must first view a GIF (it must be viewed completely for the save to work correctly). Then select this option. The save format is determined by the hi-res mode you used to view the GIF. If option "C" is "yes" the save will be in Koala format. If option "C" is "no" the save will be in Doodle format. It is your responsibility to provide proper names (use "DD" as the first 2 characters in Doodle names. For Koala use a temporary name and rename it later with the "pic" prefix). Option "I" allows you to view a GIF. Option "J" allows you to exit to BASIC. Notes: Windows are an important concept. By changing the viewing window you can view virtually any part of a GIF. If you set the window values to a range outside of the GIF image's range you will get a blank screen. I suggest using either hi-res or multi-color hi-res with a width of 320, and set both window values to zero the first time you view a GIF. When you get an idea of how the image appears you can move the window to the area you wish to view more accurately. The best results are usually found in multi-color hi-res mode with a width of 160. Gray scaling oftens increases the quality. Experiment until you feel comfortable with these features. If you ever come across a GIF that was created from a C64 graphic you should always set your window values to a multiple of 8 so that you don't get "framing" errors. To illustrate this point I have included a GIF ("midearth.gif") that I created from the Doodle file "ddmiddle earth." To view this file set option "C" to "no" so that you are in hi-res mode, and set your window values to zero. Then view the file. If you did it correctly you will see a replica of "ddmiddle earth." Now set the "Window X" value to 1. View it again and you will see "framing" errors. You will find that window values that are multiples of 8 will work correctly, but other values corrupt color. The reason has to do with the way the C64 displays color. In hi-res mode each 8 x 8 matrix of pixels can display 2 colors. Suppose this is the upper 16 x 8 pixels in the image: bbbbbbbb yyyyyyyy gggggggg yyyyyyyy bgbgbgbg ybybybyb Note that each 8 x 8 area has at most 2 colors bbbbbbbb yyyyyyyy The first has blue & green, the second has bbbbbbbb yyyyyyyy yellow and blue. bbbbbbbb yyyyyyyy bbbbbbbb yyyyyyyy bbbbbbbb yyyyyyyy b=blue g=green y=yellow With Window X equal to 1 you effective shift the picture 1 pixel left. You the get: bbbbbbby yyyyyyy? gggggggy yyyyyyy? Each pixel was shifted 1 to the left. The "?" gbgbgbgy bybybyb? represent the leftmost pixels from the third bbbbbbby yyyyyyy? 8 x 8 matrix (not shown in this example). bbbbbbby yyyyyyy? The leftmost 8 x 8 matrix now has 3 colors in it, bbbbbbby yyyyyyy? blue, green, and yellow. The C64 cannot put 3 bbbbbbby yyyyyyy? colors in this area, and this causes a color bbbbbbby yyyyyyy? conflict. This framing error occurs most notably in C64 format GIF's.