3/6/94 THANKS for choosing Novaterm! Whether you're a new user or you're updating from an older version, I hope Novaterm 9.5 fulfills all of your wildest telecommunication dreams! Okay, okay, I admit, this little letter is to encourage you to register your copy of Novaterm. But before the pitch, let me mention what's planned for Novaterm in the near future. Your registration will help these planned features become a reality. There are many new and enhanced features planned for future versions of Novaterm. Among those on the drawing board are: * Direct DMA access to RAM expansion units for a large buffer area. Novaterm needs to use the RAM expansion unit as a large buffer area, rather than as just another disk drive. * FAX document module, for use with FAX modems. You ought to be able to send a FAX from your Commodore 64! * Zmodem upload. The other half of Zmodem will be a great convenience. * Enhanced 40/80 column text editor. The text editor needs an 80 column mode, and it needs more features, such as a block copy/move/delete function. The editor also needs to be able to access Novaterm's buffer directory. * The ANSI editor needs some repair and some new features. * Fast 1541 read/write routines. Novaterm sorely needs fast disk routines to speed up file transfers and other critical disk operations. * Extended script file commands and structures. The script language needs some true programming commands, like FOR and WHILE loops, subroutines, and user-defined variables. * A block size count during file transfers (determined by dividing the byte count by 254). Accomplishing some of these features will require rewriting the main portion of the program in assembly language (or in C compiled down to assembly, if that option becomes available to me). This task will be made much easier by a new Commodore 64 emulator for IBM PCs, allowing me to continue development on a much faster computer. As you can see, there are still many useful features planned for Novaterm. But in order to accomplish them, I need your support. Shareware registrations are what keep this software going. If you use Novaterm and would like to see it continue to grow and offer more features, I urge you to register. Even if you've been using Novaterm for a long time and are just now thinking about registering, don't worry about it - nobody's going to come after you! Just know that your one-time registration makes it possible to continue developing the software. As a registered user, you are immediately sent a disk with the most recent version and the most recent module updates (with the shareware title screen replaced by your name, of course). When a brand-new version of Novaterm is released, you'll be notified immediately by mail, and you can upgrade simply by sending in a blank disk. (And don't worry, your name will not appear on a junk mailing list somewhere. Registration information is held in strict confidence.) Again, if you enjoy using Novaterm, I urge you to register and support software for your Commodore 64. Nick Rossi