Commodore 64/128 Kermit v2.2 Kermit v2.2 is a powerful public-domain telecommunications program for your Commodore 64 or 128 (in 64 mode). This program, as its name suggests, implements the Kermit file transfer protocol and also has many other useful features, such as: o Comprehensive terminal emulation: Kermit emulates most all of the features of a DEC VT-100 terminal very closely, including support for VT-52 mode, personal function (PF) keys, and the numeric keypad. C-128 users may use their extra numeric keypad and grey keys as well. Kermit also implements the Insert/ Delete features of the VT-102. o Multiple display options: Kermit can display 40 or 80 columns of text using a bit-mapped screen on a standard 40-column monitor, or, on a C-128, using the built-in 80-column screen (with an 80-column monitor). Kermit also supports the Batteries Included BI-80 80-column card for the C-64. o Graphics terminal support: Kermit emulates the main features of the Tektronix 4010/4014 graphics terminal, with resolutions of 320x200 (C-64 screen) or 640x200 (C-128 screen). o Flexible file transfers: Kermit has special file types to transfer PETSCII (Commodore's special ASCII) and standard ASCII text files, binary files (graphics screens, etc.), Speedscript (Compute!'s popular word processor) files, and Power-C C language source code files. All necessary conversions are handled automatically. o High-speed communication: Kermit supports 2400 bps communication (but only when used on a C-128 with the built-in 80-column screen). Kermit comes with complete on-disk documentation that can be viewed and printed out with any word processor and printer. A typeset and bound version of the manual is also available. Because Kermit is in the public domain, you can obtain it from many sources, such as bulletin boards, user groups, and major network services. Kent Sullivan distributes Kermit on a 1541-format disk for $5.00 (U.S. funds only; WA state residents add 8.2% sales tax). The typeset manual is $7.50. All orders should be made payable to Kent Sullivan and sent to: Kent Sullivan 16611 NE 26th St. Bellevue, WA 98008 (Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.) Note: Kermit does not yet support the CBM 1660 or Volksmodem 6480 modems.