- 51884 bytes GIF file viewer. Note that GIFSHOW needs to be run from MEDIUM or HIGH resolution. It should successfully display *ALL* GIF files that you will find. To run GIFSHOW, simply double-click on it from the desktop. It will display a start-up screen, then automatically cycle through all GIF files in the current directory. You can control the display by pressing various keys, as follows: Key: Effect: ^^^ ^^^^^^^ Return - terminates display after the current picture is finished Space - pauses display after the current picture is finished, press any key to continue F1 - sets no delay between pictures F2 - F10 - sets 1 to 9 second delay between pictures (F10 is longest) You can also use GIFSHOW to display individual files as follows: Use INSTALL APPLICATION from the GEM desktop, and install it with file type '.GIF' - then double click on any GIF file, and it will be displayed for you.