av375.zip - 53673 bytes Ascii-view is an ASCII text viewing program. Ascii-View is simply an ASCII text viewing program that was developed to replace the boring, plain, dull, monotonous, inflexible [Show]-[Print]-[Cancel] feature of the standard ST Desktop. It does this by allowing the user to easily view an Ascii text file with a myriad of features not available from the standard ST desktop or from the multitude of text viewers currently available in the ST market place. Ascii-View can be placed anywhere your heart desires, floppy disk or hard drive, root directory or nested deep within a sub-directory. However if you wish to use the online help you MUST place the file AV375.HLP in the SAME directory that you loaded Ascii-View from. Ascii-View currently supports TOS versions 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 and 1.62 in Medium and High resolution. Although untested Ascii-View SHOULD work on TOS version 2.05 (Mega STe) and TOS version 3.01 (TT) in the ST Medium and ST High resolutions, as well.