- 175451 bytes A Workfile EDITor WEDIT v1.1 is a field-oriented fullscreen editor and command line shell. This is a resume of some of the features of WEDIT and the accompanying utilities. It handles text files with lines of up to 254 characters, and no null character in any line. Longer lines are automatically split into 254-column lines during LOAD or GET. Null characters are translated to blanks. All other characters are displayed on the screen in the machine's standard character set graphics. The screen is divided into information regions, which are write protected, a command line to enter the editor commands as well as 'shell' commands for file manipulation and external program calls (2nd line on the screen), 20 data lines defining a window 74 characters wide, to display and edit the file, and a bottom line to be used as notepad. The last line on the screen is controlled by the fullscreen handler, and shows a busy signal, the current cursor position, and some fullscreen flags. Each line of the file window are preceded by a line number field, which may be overwritten with LINECOMMANDS.