PFXPAK v2.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^ Features ^^^^^^^^ This program is used to pack other programs. It uses the LHarc-compression-routine. The code produced by this method is aprox. 5% larger than standard LHarc 1.13-code, but it is still better than ARC. After compression a very small decoder is added to the code. The decoder will start its work automatically after starting the program. It will do its work at a rate of aprox. 100KB per second. Compression ^^^^^^^^^^^ If your program is able to work with the fastload-bit set, click on fastload first. This will set the bit in the original program. (If it is already set, PFXPAK will recognize this). After clicking at the [Compress], select the program. A dialogbox will show you the status of compression. The first number is the process- indicator, it will count up to 100%, the second line shows the ratio. At the end, the file selector box reappears to give you the chance of changing the name or path for the compressed program. You may, of course, just hit [Return] to let the name and path unchanged. The number of bytes reduced is shown on the last dialog-box. Decompression ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Normally the programs decompress themselves. If it doesn't work, you may decompress it either with LHarc or with PFXpak. If you use LHarc, you only have to rename your program to program.LZH and treat it as a normal Archive. If you use PFXpak, you have to select the compressed file in a file selector box.