DC SEA 2.0 ^^^^^^^^^^ DC SEA (Self Extracting Arc) allows you to make an executable program from an ARC,LZH,ZIP,or ZOO file that will allow you to extract or list the contents. DC SEA will also allow you to restore the executable program into a normal archive file. To create a SEA program click on the CREATE button, then click on BEGIN. A file selector will appear, choose the name of the archive file that you wish to convert into a SEA file. After selecting an archive file to convert, you will presented with another file selector, asking you to select the path and enter a filename for the SEA file. Note: The executable program will have a '.APP' extender. After the file is created you will be presented with an alert box asking if you want to 'Create another DC SEA file'. Select YES to create another SEA file, select NO to return to the main menu. To restore a SEA program into a normal archive file click on the RESTORE button, then click on BEGIN. A file selector will appear, choose the name of the executable file (.APP) that you wish to convert into a normal archive file. After selecting an executable file to restore, you will be presented with another file selector, asking you to select the path and enter a filename for the archive file. Note: The program will determine the type of extender the archive file will have. After the file is restored you will be presented with an alert box asking if you want to 'Restore another DC SEA file'. Select YES to restore another SEA file, select NO to return to the main menu.