ARCSHELL V3.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ARC Shell is a GEM program which is designed to work with the ST archiving utility ARC.TTP. and T.Quester's LZH11316.TTP. ARC Shell adds a GEM interface to the ARC and LZH programs, letting you point and click to select the various options instead of typing a command line. ARC Shell also contains a complete GEM-based disk utilities package, that lets you copy files (with wildcards and with query), delete and rename files, create and delete folders, show the free space on any connected drive, and even run other programs...all without exiting to the desktop. ARC Shell's current configuration can be saved at any point, so that the options and settings you use most often will be selected when you run the program. In addition, you can use the ST desktop's "Install Application" feature to set things up so that ARC Shell will automatically run when you double-click on a file with an extension of ARC.