ZFLASH - 47378 bytes Zmodem Transfer Shell v1.20 for Flash v.1.50 upwards. Zmodem is a fairly new Atari transfer protocol. It has a lot of features which other protocols don't have. 1) It's MUCH faster than Xmodem or Ymodem. Tests show an average throughput of more than 90%. Transfer of large files might even reach 98 or 99%. Compare that to standard Xmodem (approx. 60%), Ymodem (70%), and that's if you have a GOOD connection. 2) Zmodem has a variable block size (they're called 'packets' in Zmodem). This means it will reduce the size of each packet if a lot of errors occur. If, say, with Xmodem-1K an error occurs, the whole Kb must be resent. If this happens with Zmodem, it will reduce the size of the packets, so that if another error occurs it won't have to send TOO much again. 3) Xmodem and Ymodem use either Checksum (8-bit) or CRC (16-bit) error checking. Zmodem however uses 32-bit CRC, which improves the reliability of the protocol. 4) If, say, during a transfer the carrier is lost, Zmodem can resume the transfer from the point where it went wrong. Very nice if you're transfering large files. 5) Zmodem is a batch protocol, which means you can transfer more than one file at once. These are just a few of the Zmodem features. There are a lot more, but these are the most important and handy. If the BBS system supports Zmodem, use it!