World Wide Web for your Atari!

This package basically consists of three parts.
* Cab, by Alexander Clauss (Germany).
This will be considered the main program by most people.
* STiK, by Steve Adam (Australia).
This actually does the low-level networking stuff to the Internet.
* CAB.OVL, by Tim Newsome (USA). This is the missing link between Cab
and STiK.(I know the countries aren't important, but I just like the
idea of global development.

All the files in this package are freeware.

Optional Registering--------------------All programs in this package are
freeware, but it is suggested that you send a contribution to the
authors for all the time and effort they have put into the programs, to
thank them and show your appreciation. What you get when you
* MasterDisk with latest versions on
* Support and helping you get on-line, feedback from authors
* Free update service (as long as the fee doesn't rise or the programs
go commercial)
* The warm feeling inside that you are helping keep the Atari market
Contributions fees------------------The Internet Access Pack is
supported by CyberSTrider (Denesh Bhabuta)and InterActive (Joe Connor)
in the UK. It is suggested that you contribute a minimum of 15 Pounds
Sterling for the whole package.(Please add 1 Pound to this if
registering from outside the UK). Send you payments to either of the
two addresses below: Denesh Bhabuta
                     203 Parr Lane Road
                     Bury, CO4 5LJ

                     Joe ConnorCyberSTrider
                     65 Mill Road
                     Lancashire BL9 8JW

(Please make cheques, postal orders, international money orders, etc
payable to Denesh Bhabuta, or Joe Connor respectively.) You can also
register for each of the three programs in the package seperately.
If so, here are the details:
Cab supported InterActive. * Suggested minimum registration is 6 Pounds

STiK and CAB.OVL supported by CyberSTrider* Suggested minimum for both is
9 Pounds* Suggested minimum for CAB.OVL only is 7 Pounds* Registration
for STiK only is 2 Pounds... the more, the better...

Bugs====Lots of these.
Most notably:* Problems with GIF images which don't have 256 colors
(this will cause inexplicable crashes).
* Inexplicable crashes
* More inexplicable crashes.

Stuff to be done================Even more, especially:
* FTP and gopher protocols
* HTML forms
* HTML tables
* proper page redirection

Contact Info============Alexander Clauss (Cab)Stresemannstr. 44D-64297
Darmstadt Germany
deSteve Adam (STiK)(Moved and lost his Internet access.
Tim Newsome (CAB.OVL, STiK development package) 36 Kettle Creek Road
07728, Freehold,