ACORN Organic Conference and Trade Show

Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 12:21:56 -0400
From: SunRoot Farm/ACORN <>
Organization: SunRoot Organic Farm
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The Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) presents the 3rd
Annual Organic Conference and Trade Show, March 14-15, 2003 at the
Westin Nova Scotian, Halifax. The conference theme, "Atlantic Successes
and Innovations" includes over 25 workshops for small and large scale
producers and processors, retailers, and consumers/ home gardeners.
Friday and Saturday nights feature organic buffets, socials (with The
Mellotones and Morgan Davis), and two thought provoking presentations by

Ann Clark, University of Guelph, and Marjorie Willison, Urban Farm
Museum Society.
A chef's demonstration Saturday lunch highlights local organic products.

The Organic Marketplace trade show runs Friday and Saturday, and is open

to the public at a minimal fee. Full program details and registration
forms available on ACORN's website-, or by
contacting the ACORN office- 1-866-322-2676. Register before Feb. 11th
and rececive a free organic buffet breakfast. ACORN's conference
revolves around the Maritime Provinces each year, so don't miss the
chance to
attend while it is happening in Halifax.

Want to learn more about organic food production? ACORN and the
Institute for Bioregional Studies offer an Organic Training Course,
March 12-13, in Truro, NS. Cost- $126.50, includes manual. Contact
ACORN- 1-866-322-2676, or visit our website- for
Jennifer Melanson
ACORN Director of Administration

SUST-MAR is provided FREE by the Chebucto Community Net and YOU!

For more info, please send "info sust-mar" to

CBC enviro news-briefs follow:

 The Nova Scotia government has spent
millions of dollars more than necessary to help a struggling aircraft
engine maker in Debert.


© Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

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