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Index of Subjects
Index of Subjects SIERRA CLUB OF CANADA--CHEBUCTO GROUP EMAIL BULLETIN 10 04 98 CONTENT: 1.0 CONSERVATION 1.1 Pesticide Bylaw 1.2 Women's Health and Population Conference 1.3 Forest Certification Standards Workshop 1.4 Global Forest Watch and Labrador Knowledge Base Project 1.5 Activist Training Workshop in PEI 1.6 MAI 2.0 OUTINGS 2.1 Aboriginal Heritage Garden 3.0 PUBLICITY 4.0 WEB MASTER UPDATE 5.0 MEMBERSHIP 6.0 NEWSLETTER 7.0 PAST MINUTES 8.0 NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS 9.0 OFFICE AND RESOURCES 10.0 CONTACT ***************** ***************** 1.0 CONSERVATION 1.1 Pesticide Bylaw The NS Government has put forward a huge Municipal Government Act, known as Bill 47, which has many useful parts to it, but unfortunately contains an extremely destructive section dealing with pesticide regulation by the municipalities. It is a piece of dream legislation from the pesticide industry's point of view and, for all I know, they had a hand in writing it (?) The legislation will apply to all 55 municipalities in Nova Scotia and, among other things, will prohibit any attempt now or in the future of any municipality to regulate pesticide use within their area. All they are offering is notification of when you will be exposed to poisons, and then only after you have already become ill! I am forwarding a notice for distribution that describes the problem briefly and how to register to speak. We only have a few days to get the message out, so urge anyone in NS with an interest in stopping this legislation to act quickly if they want to leave the door open to sane regulatory policies for urban pesticide use. Instead of Section 174 (1)j (p.76) of Bill 47, what is needed is a clear statute GIVING THE MUNICIPALITIES CLEAR POWERS TO REGULATE PESTICIDES. This should include the ability to prohibit their use if the municipal councils chose to do this. This is of course up to each council to decide! The NS Env Act does say specifically that a municipal bylaw is NOT illegal just because it imposes STRICTER regulations than those laid out in the NS Env Act. But Bill 47 would make those dealing with pesticides an impossibility. Thanks so much for passing this on to anyone, or any organization, in Nova Scotia you think would want to know about this emergency situation. We can do this working together! Helen 1.2 Women's Health and Population Conference On behalf of Action Canada for Population and Development (ACPD), I am writing to inform you about their series of five national forums taking place in the next two months across Canada and to invite you participate in the public discussion in the Halifax Forum. The forum is being held at the Dalhousie University Club on Monday November 9, 1998 from 9 am to 9 pm and the public discussion will begin at 7:30pm. Individuals who have expertise in the areas of international development, international women's reproductive health and rights, migration, the environment or demography, and who support the International Conference on Population and Development Program for Action (Cairo, 1994) have been invited to participate in this working forum. Five one day forums will take place in Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Each forum will have the same format and will focus on four key thematic concerns within the Cairo Program of Action: 1) population and sustainable development, 2) reproductive health and rights, 3) international migration, and 4) health and mortality. Four participants with expertise in one of the four thematic areas will chair the individual sessions. Elizabeth May of the Sierra Club and Pam Devine of First Nations Assembly have agreed to chair the Population and Development and International Migration sessions respectively. After the close of the consultation process during the day, participants will be invited to remain for an informal public discussion that evening. This session will be open to the public and individuals and organizations with a strong interest in the Cairo Program for Action who may not have attended ICPD or worked directly in the ICPD area. This is an exciting opportunity to influence Canada's international response to Population and Development issues. The public discussion will begin at 7:30 at the University Club on the Dalhousie campus. It's important that as many people come as possible in order to show our concern in these issues and to learn from each other. For more information contact Jan Riddell at: 1.3 Forest Certification Standards Workshop Inviting all Environmental Groups, First Nations, and Concerned Citizens... "How to Make Certification Work for Greens" Forest Certification Strategy Workshop . Martin von Mirbach, on the Canadian Standards Association . Jim Drescher, on the Forest Stewardship Council Saturday, November 14, 1998 10:00am to 4:30pm Avard-Dixon Building, Room 112 Mount Allison University, Sackville, N.B. .This workshop will focus on using each of these certification processes in a strategic way to advance the ecological perspective. .$15 Registration Fee per person. . Don't let money hold you back! Limited travel, child care, registration subsidies available. . As this workshop will be in English, interpretation will be provided if requested. . Billeting available. . Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided. *Hosted by the NBEN Future Forest Alliance, the NSEN and the PEI Environmental Network *Funded by the Community Animation Program Forest Certification Workshop - Registration Deadline October 30, 1998 In order to ensure adequate translation, child care, or subsidies, please register prior to the registraton deadline. Name:_______________________________________________________________________ _____ Group Affiliation:________________________________________________________________ __ Address:____________________________________________________________________ _____ Telephone:__________________Fax:_________________E-mail:____________________ __________ Languages spoken: English French Mi'kmaq Maliseet I will require translation I will require: Travel Subsidy (number of kms_____) Child Care Vegan Meal Billeting $15 registration fee enclosed I will require a registration subsidy Please return, to the New Brunswick Environmental Network, 167 Creek Road, Waterford, NB, E4E 4L7, Tel:(506)433-6101, Fax:(506)433-6111, New Brunswick Environmental Network 167 Creek Rd, Waterford, NB, E4E 4L7 Tel: (506) 433-6101 Fax: (506) 433-6111 e-zine 1.4 Global Forest Watch and Labrador Knowledge Base Project A potential joint project for the Sierra Club and other interested environmental bodies is working on a Committee to develop a network of nodes across Canada to report and monitor on forest activity. The Global Forest Watch is looking for hosting offices across Canada, including one for the Atlantic node. Initial funding is available for one staff person. Although there is an emphasis on this staff person working on preventative measures in his/her work in monitoring and reporting, the Committee of people is to be as objective and representative as possible. The Labrador Knowledge Base Project has already been working with the Innu of Labrador to monitor and report, through on-the-ground traditional kn