Explorer not wrking

Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2014 20:04:14 -0400 (AST)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <awright@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: John Dennis Elliott <ap721@chebucto.ns.ca>
References: <20141205173202.11372dc8xuxcroeo@webmail.chebucto.ns.ca>
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 	In that case, it sounds like you have cookies disabled. Cookies 
need to be enabled for the webmail authentication tokens to work. Lowering 
Internet Explorer's security settings may fix this if you have not 
yourself disabled cookies.

 	Another possibility is your Internet Explorer has gotten messed 
up. Since it is integrated with the Windows Operating System there is no 
easy way to fix a corrupted Internet Explorer without re-installing 

 	Another less likely possibility is you are on some kind of proxy 
Internet connection where your IP address is changing every few minutes. 
This would not be something coming off one of the major providers but 
would be some sort of special setup. We heard of a user like this once 
before and the fix for them was to not use the proxy connection. It is 
very unlikely this is your issue but I'm throwing it out there just in 

 	If none of these solutions help, then the fix is to just use a 
different browser like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera or Mozilla 
SeaMonkey. All of which will work better and faster than Internet 

On Fri, 5 Dec 2014, John Dennis Elliott wrote:

> I made the changes- remove the check mark in 2.0 and add it to all the 
> 1.0-1-2
> and Apply and save.
> But no change.
> In attempting to move from the web page to the inbox things progress to the 
> redirect stage.  Then the boxes for user and password clear themselves on an 
> otherwise blank page.
> John
> Quoting "Andrew D. Wright" <awright@chebucto.ns.ca>:
>> 	Hi John. Internet Explorer is the dumbest of the web browsers. What's 
>> going on is that security standards have changed and Internet Explorer 
>> hasn't caught up.
>> 	Here's what you need to do. Go to Internet Explorer's settings. In 
>> newer versions this is an icon like a gear cog. Select Internet Options. 
>> Click on the Advanced tab. In the Settings windows you'll see, scroll down 
>> to the bottom.
>> 	Here's what you want it to look like.
>> [ ] Use SSL 2.0
>> [ ] Use SSL 3.0
>> [X] Use TLS 1.0
>> [X] Use TLS 1.1
>> [X] Use TLS 1.2
>> 	This should sort out your problem. Older versions of Internet 
>> Explorer may not have TLS 1.2 listed and Internet Options may be under a 
>> different menu item but will be there someplace in all versions.
>> On Fri, 5 Dec 2014, John Dennis Elliott wrote:
>>> I can access my web mail with all browsers except starting this week, 
>>> Internet Explorer.
>>> The system tells me I have entered the wrong username or password.
>>> John

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