download problems

Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2012 15:42:07 -0300 (ADT)
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Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2012 19:18:11 -0300 (ADT)
From: CCN Help <>
To: Janet Mackenzie <>

Hi Janet,

    FileZilla, a freeware file transfer protocol (FTP) program) allows you to 
resume crashed downloads (downloads which do not complete for some reason) and 
is available from  Verson 3.5.3 is available for 
Win7/Vista/XP.  Once FileZilla is installed, you would use it for all 
upload/download actions and your troubles with interrupted downloads should be 

CCN Userhelp


On Thu, 6 Sep 2012, Janet Mackenzie wrote:

> 1. downloads completed are not showing up on my download list.
> 2. because of my dial-up,  thunderbird 14. will not download, times out.
> 3. when i pull up my download list thru mozilla, i tells me it is not 
> responding and sends an error.
> 4.  i like to play 2 games thru but since about may,  i have 
> trouble downloading them.  think it has something to do with adobe flash 
> player - i have uninstalled 13.0 ,  went back to 10.0 with better success. 
> then they came out with 14.0 and now the games download so that i can see 
> them,  just cannot interact with them.

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