sign in problems

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 01:36:42 -0400 (AST)
From: CCN Help <>
To: John Dennis Elliott <>
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Hi John,

    Set your modem speed down to 1200 baud to see if you can connect and 
see your screen.  If that works, log off and set your modem to 2400 baud 
and see if that connects successfully.  Set it to 9600 baud and do the 
same.  These are all non-compressed speeds and may work for you.

    Once you set it to 14,400 bps or 19,200 bps, you're moving into 
compressed data territory and connections get trickier.  Keep raising your 
speed until you can no longer connect and get your screen.  Once you reach 
that level, back down one step and you should have a reasonably fast 
connection.  Your reu may be acting or intercepting the signal somehow. 
Try the process above to see if it helps.

    I'm glad to see the chip-reseating trick worked.  You might be able to 
get all your C64s working that way.  Really fussy hobbyists would 
carefully lift each chip out of its socket and scrape the oxide build-up 
off each leg (inside and out) with a small pen knife to ensure a solid 
connection.  I find the chip-reseat by pressing down works for me.

Tony @ CCN Help


On Sun, 16 Jan 2011, John Dennis Elliott wrote:

> Thanks to the advice here I got my c64 working.  I hade to make the 
> chips feel depressed :) But, I still can't get a usable connection to 
> Chebucto. I can reach the point after dialup where my screen says 
> connect 38400. If I turn on screen echo, I can see what I type next. Ex 
> "at"; but the typed command is ignored, and I can't with return move to 
> the next line on screen. No Chebucto greetings are visible.
> But I did ONCE get beyond that to the point where chebucto stated that I 
> was using a telnet connection and I was a type one user. BTW When I 
> connected just now with Windows EXplorer to this e-mail in Chebucto, 
> Norton informed me that I was attacked by a Bloodhund virus, which it 
> removed.
> I can with Novaterm control several parameters such as flow control, 
> word bit, etc. I think my external modem is okay since I reached you, 
> and once got several lines in.
> John
> Quoting CCN Help <>:
>> Hi John,
>>   Open your C64 and push down firmly on all socketed chips.  I find, 
>> after longtime use, the socketed chips are subject to 'chip creep', the 
>> constant heating and cooling down of older motherboards cause the chips 
>> to lift out their sockets.  After awhile, the chips are high enough as 
>> to no longer make sufficient contact with the sockets, and seemingly 
>> fail.  This is something every computer eventually suffers and the 
>> sheer age of the C64's make them prime targets for the extreme cases of 
>> this.
>>   Most PC/Mac users upgrade their computers regularly and never get to 
>> experience chip creep.  Oldtimers like you and I are finding it 
>> occuring more often.  The old Apple III was so bad for chip creep, the 
>> 6" drop was the suggested solution years ago - pick up your computer 
>> and drop it on your desk from a height of 6 inches and this would help 
>> to reseat the chips that have lifted out of their sockets.  I prefer 
>> the less violent, push firmly on each chip action and you'll hear a 
>> slight 'crick' sound as they reseat.  If this works, you may find 
>> yourself able to get some of your non-working systems functioning 
>> again.
>>   If this doesn't help, I would suggest checking on the internet 
>> newsgroup, 'comp.sys.cbm' as I see people giving away systems all the 
>> time and someone may have extra C64's they can send you.  I'm down to 
>> my last one, which is an SX64 (the portable one).  I had the same 
>> problem as you - no video, and I opened up the SX64, pushed down on all 
>> the chips and all was well again, which is why I suggested this fix. 
>> Don't be too rough on the chips, though, as the motherboard also flexes 
>> a little and you might break a trace if you're too firm.
>>   This might also solve your echoing problems once you log into CCN.
>> Tony @ CCN Help
>> -----------------------
>> On Tue, 11 Jan 2011, John Dennis Elliott wrote:
>>> Yes there is (control a), but all it did was double the letters before 
>>> I reached Chebucto. Once I reach Chebucto, it makes no difference. No 
>>> characters show.
>>> since my last e-mail, my last C=64 has stopped sending video to my 
>>> monitors. the cables and monitors work with my Vic-20.
>>> So a question that is not on your "job description"- does anyone have 
>>> access to a  spare C=64 that they could put on the bus to Truro? I would 
>>> pay both purchase price and shipping charges if such a device is 
>>> available. I now have 4 128s and 4 C=64s that do not work. some of my 
>>> vic20s do, and my single plus4 does

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