Why is Mozzila crasing onsome site??????????

Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 14:36:31 -0400 (AST)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <awright@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: Michael Boschat <aa063@chebucto.ns.ca>
References: <20100202075233.67196yzljrt78jy8@webmail.chebucto.ns.ca>
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 	Hi Michael. From your description you have an illegal copy of 
Windows XP. You can check this out for yourself here:


This would explain your problems. Neither MS Security Essentials or XP SP3 
will mess up a normal system and I've done literally dozens of 
installs of both on many different configurations.

 	We don't support illegal installs of Windows and the reason for 
this is that they can be incomplete or maliciously compromised off the 
bat, have problems with critical security updates, behave in unpredictable 
and non-correctable ways and well, they're just plain illegal too.

 	You can go buy Windows XP, it's still in the stores. Alternately 
you can install and run a free operating system such as Ubuntu Linux, 
We cannot recommend running a bootleg version of Windows and we will not 
provide support for it, you're on your own there.

 	So, we're left with your Windows 2000 computer. Microsoft is still 
supporting Windows updates for Windows 2000 until July, after that it will 
be a completely dead operating system. Firefox should work just fine on 
Windows 2000 and the 3.6 is the current release version. It came out 
almost two weeks ago.

Firefox 3.6 System Requirements
Windows Operating Systems

     * Windows 2000
     * Windows XP
     * Windows Server 2003
     * Windows Vista
     * Windows 7

Minimum Hardware

     * Pentium 233 MHz (Recommended: Pentium 500 MHz or greater)
     * 64 MB RAM (Recommended: 128 MB RAM or greater)
     * 52 MB hard drive space

You should have all Windows 2000 security updates installed. If your 
install of Windows 2000 is acting wonky, use the system files check 
instructions from my first letter and have your Windows 2000 CD handy. If 
that doesn't work, a reinstall of Windows 2000 may be in order.

On Wed, 3 Feb 2010, Michael Boschat wrote:

> Hi Andrew:
>> Before doing the updates, it may be worth taking a few minutes and dig out 
> your
>> Windows XP install CD and stick it in.
> The laptop has the XP but the person that gave it to me did not give me the 
> CD (leagle one)
> He did take the laptop home and redid everything, it was the one that did not 
> boot up and
> I was having major problems. It works now. But I do not have the CD.
>> First thing is you are far behind on Windows system updates and should 
> absolutely not be running
>> Windows XP Service Pack 2, you should have Service Pack 3
> He said not to install SP3 as it would mess the laptop up more..why? no 
> idea...
>> Microsoft's Security Essentials
> That is what I put into the laptop and when it said to re-boot that is when 
> it crashed the laptop and
> he had to get in and remove it then start everything all over.
> I use the free version of AVG.
> I also downloaded on the laptop a browser called Google Chrome. It seems to 
> work ok so far
> on the laptop as it does not crash on me when viewing some sites as I 
> mentioned in last email.
> Also the laptop installed IE 8 as I had version 6.  But Mozilla is only a 
> beat test 3.6 and that might
> cause problems if I try installing it.
> My larger PC has Win2000 SP4, Mozilla 3.53 and IE Ver 6.02800.1106
> Thanks for info in the problem.
> Mike  - aa063

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