problems using "options"

Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 15:19:49 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <>
To: Sally Ravindra <>
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 	Hi Sally. In my experience the title bar sorting in Webmail trumps 
the sorting using the options menu. Try turning off sorting options in 
Options under Mailbox and Folder Display Options using the Undo changes 
button then go back to your inbox and try sorting by order received (the 
up and down triangles on the left of the title bar).

On Tue, 20 Oct 2009, Sally Ravindra wrote:

> Hi Andrew,
> Thanks for your quick reply.  I am using webmail, and the sorting mechanism 
> is found under "options" across the top of the page. With this "options" I 
> can sort by page to be shown first or last, arrival time, descending, or 
> ascending order, etc.  But, although it has been set and has stayed that way 
> for some time, today the messages are completely scrambled, with no 
> discernable order. When I click to try and change them, nothing happens, the 
> order stays the same.Incoming messages seem to land wherever.  Since I wrote 
> to you, I have had messages arrive on page 1 and page 5 (yours). I have tried 
> various possibilities, but whatver I do, it seems to stay the same, as if 
> stuck. The scrambling has happened before from time to time, but I have 
> always, until today, been able to set it back again.
> It is pretty annoying, as I rely on a large inbox to keep various things I am 
> working on in order. (I dont make much use of files, etc I simply delete 
> groups of things when i am finished with them.)
> Suggestions?
> -Sally
>> 	Hi Sally. From the sounds of things you're looking at our Webmail 
>> service or using a POP3/IMAP mail client. Pretty much all of these have a 
>> sorting feature where clicking on a title bar toggles sorting the mail. So 
>> for example clicking on the Date title bar (directly above the top email 
>> listed in your mailbox) will sort by date, oldest to newest, and clicking 
>> it a second time will sort it in the opposite direction.
>> 	In our Webmail service there is a sort by Order Received toggle, sort 
>> by Date, sort by From, sort by Subject, and sort by Size. Each of these can 
>> be clicked to sort the mail then clicked a second time to change the 
>> direction of the sorted mail, top to bottom, bottom to top. These title bar 
>> sorting toggles are common to most mail programs.
>> On Tue, 20 Oct 2009, Sally Ravindra wrote:
>>> hello,
>>> from time to time I find my inbox will be scrambled--dates, times, etc 
>>> mixed up for no reason.  In the past, I have gone into "options" and fixed 
>>> it and it is ok for a while.
>>> This time (today) I cant seem to get it to behave or to record my 
>>> "options" when I try to update them.
>>> Can you tell me what the problem is and how to fix it?
>>> I am a minimal user--largely because the various instructions for  use are 
>>> too arcane (according to my grown computer-savvy kids) but I have 
>>> supported Chebucto for a long time and habitually use it for email.
>>> I use a Mac G4Powerbook OS X version 10.5.8
>>> thanks.
>>> Sally Ravindra 12 Pottery Lane Halifax B3P2P5 477-9678

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