Historical request

Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 21:22:37 -0300 (ADT)
From: CCN Help <ch1@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: Andy LeBlanc <andy@leapleadership.ca>
cc: help-answers@chebucto.ns.ca
References: <1445B56F-B4CF-4905-84EB-FC771C3649BA@leapleadership.ca>
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Return-Path: <help-answers-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>
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Hi Andy,

    Did your Profile page feature anything outstanding that Google or other 
search engines would have picked up on?  Previous searches that I did for 
people were contingent uoon the various older search engines having 
something of interest to lock on.

    Were you involved in a club, organization or had a hobby that you 
mentioned on your webpage?  So far, Google, Dogpile, AltaVista and a 
couple of others can find numerous 'LeBlancs" from that time period but 
nothing on you.  The others all had something on their webpage that the 
search engines archived.  If you can remember the exact userid (look in 
your old papers), then you can use Internet Wayback Machine to pull up 
your old pages.

    The IWM is a project of the Library Of Congress which has been 
archiving every single page on the internet since the early 90's.  No 
privacy there, as it's all searchable by anyone worldwide.

CCN Help


On Thu, 6 Aug 2009, Andy LeBlanc wrote:

> I am writing a book and part of it includes my experience with digital media 
> and the Internet. I would love to include a reference to the Chebucto 
> Freenet, as I was a member some time ago.
> I know the Freenet began in June 1994, but I'm wondering if you can tell me 
> when I was a member, if that info hasn't been wiped from existence?
> My home address at the time I joined was 5 Capistrano drive in Dartmouth, and 
> my name is Andy LeBlanc.  My email address would have been 'something' like 
> ac986@chebucto.ns.ca but I cannot recall the three digit number that was part 
> of it, though I think the first of three numbers was a 9.
> I'm sure this is an odd request, but I'm hoping you can help!
> Thanks,
> Andy LeBlanc
> Leap Leadership
> andy@leapleadership.ca

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