Assistance Needed

Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 21:02:15 -0400 (AST)
From: CCN Help <>
To: Robert Douglas <>
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Hi Rob,

    Phone line interference, bad connections or a number of other factors 
can cause the effect you describe.  Since we have had no other complaints 
re: faulty connections, we have to treat your case as an exception rather 
than a general system problem.

    Internet transmission (including connecting to CCN) is all a matter of
hisses, clicks, pops and screeches (the language of modems) and so
unfortunately, phone line noise, call waiting beeps, someone picking up an
extension, telephone company work in your area, bad weather etc...can all 
contribute to noises interpreted by the system.

    The noisier the static on the phone line, the harder it is for your or 
CCN's modem to 'hear' the other one and so the modems will slow down to a 
lower rate which allows them to hear each other better.  It's the modem 
equivalent of speaking slower, if someone has a hard time of hearing you 
or making out what you're saying.

    First of all, try a full reboot of your computer.  See if that 
restores the speed.  Next, check your phone line connection where the 
cord plugs into the wall.  Blow out any dust.  Listen to your dial tone 
and then tap your hang up button to make your phone line quiet.  Listen to 
see if you have a quiet line or if there is a lot of hum and static on 
your phone line once the dial tone is stopped.

    If you live in an apartment building, it's possible the connection from
the street to the building may have become faulty - check with the other
tenants in your building to see if they, too, are experiencing problems with
the phone line.  Call the phone company to see if there have been any other
reports of line problems in your immediate area that may contribute to your
problem.  As well, they should be able to tell you if there is work
currently being performed in your area.  Bad weather, such as freezing 
rain on wires and connections, can also cause this effect.

    Ensure that no other programs start using your resources on your
computer while you're online.  Viruses, adware, spyware, malware all like
to use the internet connection to send data back to their creators or to
replicate by sending copies of themselves to names found in your email

    Let us know if any of these suggestions has helped you or if you need
clarification of anything.  Also, if it continues, let us know.  It may 
clear up with your next reboot or tomorrow.

Tony @ CCN Help


On Sun, 1 Mar 2009, R Douglas wrote:

> My connection speed has dropped to 12kbps  which is down from it`s usual 
> 56kbps , what should I be checking , is it my modem ?

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