I am deluged with mail.

Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 16:17:21 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <awright@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: Ambros <waterbuf@chebucto.ns.ca>
References: <482D9BCE.6010407@chebucto.ns.ca>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <help-answers-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>
Original-Recipient: rfc822;"| (cd /csuite/info/lists/help-answers; /csuite/lib/arch2html)"

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 	Hi Ambros. This is what is referred to as "backscatter spam". 
Basically what is happening is that incompetent mail server administrators 
who should have no business working with live systems are sending 
undeliverable spam mail back to the innocent third party addresses on the 
reply-to part of the messages.

 	Since spam has routinely used innocent third party addresses on 
all visible headers since at least 2002, it takes a special kind of stupid 
mail system admin to have their systems set up to bounce spam. 
Unfortunately there is a seemingly infinite supply of stupid in this world 
to draw upon.

 	We are working on various ways to try and filter backspatter spam. 
The problem is that we have to distinguish between fake email bounce 
messages created by undeliverable spam and real bounce messages to let 
users know that their message was undeliverable. In the meantime, just 
delete these messages. They are not from anything you have done and no one 
has accessed your Chebucto account in any way.

On Fri, 16 May 2008, Ambros wrote:

> Hello all,
> something is not as it should be.  This morning I had about 120 pieces of 
> mail
> Normally it would be less than 10.  Most of the mail was from
>   "Mail Delivery System"  --->  Undelivered mail returned to sender
> Much of it came at 6:10 this morning.
> I have checked a few.  The supposed recipient is not anyone I know.
> There were about half a dozen legit pieces of mail amid all the hunk.
> I hope I am not the only one experiencing this.
> Going away for the weekend.  Will turn off my machine in about an hour.
> Happy long weekend to all.
> Ambros, alias waterbuf 

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