
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2008 21:22:37 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <>
To: David Patrick Lyons <>
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 	Hi David. I'm afraid that you have not given us any information to 
go on with your letter. Are you using our Webmail service? If so, what web 
browser are you using? Which version of that web browser? Are you doing 
this on a very old computer, or a newer one? Or are you accessing the 
JUNKMAIL folder using a mail program using IMAP such as Outlook Express or 
Mozilla Thunderbird? If so, which version of the mail program?

 	A fatal error could be coming from the Windows Operating System, 
it could be coming from a misconfigured or malfunctioning program, it 
could be a result of too little memory on the computer, a device driver 
issue, any number of possibilities depending on the exact nature of the 
message and what is generating it. It is not a Chebucto system error, but 
an error of something running on your computer.

 	With more detailed information we may be able to suggest 
possibilities but in all likelihood the only way for us to be able to give 
you firm information would be for us to see the computer in question in 
the Chebucto office and attempt to duplicate the error. If it is something 
straightforward we may be able to fix it.

On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, David Patrick Lyons wrote:

> Sometimes after I delete the junk mail, a fatal error shows up, and I cannot get
> back into my messages for awhile.

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