Problem with mail send, receive

Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 14:37:46 -0400 (AST)
From: CCN Help <>
To: Ross Boutilier <>
References: <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>
Original-Recipient: rfc822;"| (cd /csuite/info/lists/help-answers; /csuite/lib/arch2html)"

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Hi Ross,

    Without the full headers, we can't tell the exact path the emails 
took.  We haven't had any other reports of problems so the odd one we 
get, we try to duplicate the path via the headers so that we can 
determine if something on the internet is failing.  Occasionally email 
gets 'stuck' (for lack of a better term) and never gets delivered, 
much like the 'dead letter' office at the post office.  This is rare 
with email but it can occur.

    Another thing which might be happening is that services which offer 
free email such as Yahoo, Google etc place ads at the bottom of their 
emails.  If your friends' emails look too much like spam, it could 
trigger the spam filter into diverting the email into your JUNKMAIL 
folder as spam.  Log into your text account and then into PINE.  Go 
through your JUNKMAIL to see if any 'legitimate' email is trapped 
there.  If so, you may have to set your spam filter settings to allow 
everything, spam and all, to come through.  This is unfortunate but so 
many free email services' emails look like spam these days with all 
the ads they carry within the emails themselves.

Tony @ CCN Help


On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Ross Boutilier wrote:

> Hello again, Tony,
> I don't think I can provide you any of these - no e-mails were received and 
> no
> error messages were created. In each case, I had to get Eric and Brian to go 
> to
> their sent-mail folder and resend what they sent me originally; all they have
> for headers in their respectivs sent-mail folder is the To: address - they 
> know
> nothing about what happened to the emails once they left their mail box.
> Unless you know something about what is in a sent-mail folder that I don't 
> know
> about. This would be helpful to me, and if you explain it to me, I can 
> explain
> it to Brian and Eric (one uses yahoo, the other the Shambhala Sun and I don't
> know where that is hosted).
> What I did establish is that e-mail from 3 sources last Friday did not reach 
> me
> (one from Eric, one from Brian, and on bcc to myself). All three were routine
> correspondence, which is why I caught them, and I thought you folks would be
> aware of a problem, because if three independent items were not delivered to 
> my
> inbox with no diagnostic messages created, surely this happened also for 
> others.
> But from your responses, it seems no other reports were received and no 
> machine
> logs flagged anything you folks have identified as unusual, and you do not 
> have
> a queue of unprocessed incoming e-mail that has been disconnected from an
> appropriate daemon somewhere on your systems.
> Thus, it is likely I am the only one affected (possibly this has something to 
> do
> with my account or account activity), and since I cannot think of anything 
> else
> to suggest, I will wait and see if it happens again and get back to you.
> Thanks for the attention - I understand this is a evidence filtering process 
> and
> at this point, evidence is lacking.

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