Chebucto Plus Support Needed - Spam Filtering

Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 20:29:25 -0400 (AST)
From: CCN Help <>
To: Don Bidgood <>
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Hi Don,

   I am copying this to Tech so they can check your account.

   Try changing the settings to allow all spam to come straight through
and see if you notice an increase in the amount of spam entering your
account.  There were some settings changes that were snagging freecycle
postings but now these postings get through with no problem so, if
anything, you should be receiving more email and not less.  Whatever
problem is occuring with your account, it is unique to you as no one else
has mentioned experiencing any problems.

   In the meantime, try the change above to see if it helps.

CCN Help


On Tue, 31 Oct 2006, Don Bidgood wrote:

> This is the second time I have reported this problem, please offer a
> solution. Resetting my SPAM filter preference seems to have no effect - and
> yes I have waited for several hours for the Reset to take effect.
> My setting for spam filtering should place any spam in the JUNKMAIL folder.
> For the last week this folder has been empty. This is most unusual, it
> normally contains about ten or more messages.
> I have reset my Spam Filter Preferences to the middle selection which
> should place any Spam detected in the JUNKMAIL folder, but I still have an
> empty folder.
> I am concerned because a few messages which are sorted as spam are in fact
> genuine. These I normally Move to my Inbox.
> Two queries:
> Has anything changed with your Spam filtering that could cause this?
> Is there anyway I can confirm that my Spam Filter Preference is that which
> I selected?.
> System WINXP with InterNet Explorer 6.0
> Chebucto Plus Name: dbidgood
> Phone: 463 7667.

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