changing internet - annalex

Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 18:10:51 -0300 (ADT)
From: "Andrew D. Wright" <>
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	Hi Leonard. This does bring up another advantage of Chebucto, the
ability to write and get an answer from a real person.

	My understanding from looking at the Eastlink website is they
claim the service is "five times faster than dialup" but they give no
further information as to what exactly they mean by that. I have not seen
this service first hand so cannot comment on how fast it is or isn't or
if it has any other less obvious drawbacks.

	Being on an always on network connection is riskier than dialup
for network based attacks and purchasing a router is the first advice I'd
give anyone on an always on commercial network connection.

On Thu, 4 May 2006 wrote:

> thanks Andrew..  I am just wondering if the "basic" cable (not high
> speed) internet service would be slower than dial-up.  And would our
> computer be more vulnerable to viruses & other crap.  (I am asking you
> to be a bit of a "salesman") thanks, Leonard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew D. Wright []
> Sent: 3-May-06 4:26 PM
> To: MacNeil LGM@FMF Cape Scott QA@Halifax
> Subject: Re: changing internet - annalex
> 	Hi Leonard. In answer to your question, the Eastlink service is
> more expensive than Chebucto Plus. We also never process anybody's credit
> card without their express authorization so no worries there, no renewal
> will be processed unless you were to choose to renew your Chebucto
> account.
> On Wed, 3 May 2006 wrote:
> > I am looking at changing to the new "Eastlink basic internet".  It is
> > still on the (tv) cable, but not high speed.  Do you know of any
> > disadvantages to this compared to your dial-up Internet service.
> > Please do not process any renewal fee, on my credit card, for my
> > Chebucto account.  thanks, Leonard MacNeil (annalex)
> >

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