RCS System of Files

Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 17:07:24 -0300 (ADT)
From: Tony Cianfaglione <ab616@chebucto.ns.ca>
To: "Andrew D. Wright" <adw@chebucto.ns.ca>
cc: ccn-tech@chebucto.ns.ca, CCN Editors <editors@chebucto.ns.ca>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <editors-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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Hi all,

   It's not just a couple of users.  Over the years, I've hand-restored
literally thousands of files in many IP directories on the request of IP
editors who did something wrong, had their systems lock up in mid-edit
or have CCN boot them offline unceremononiously without prior warning
and lose all their work.  They were not pleased but could be consoled
on the fact that RCS saved a copy that could be restored by certain IP
liaisons and editors.  It's tedious work to rebuild files from the RCS
equivalents without a front-end but it can be and is done.

   I've used many RCS CCN system files to rebuild crashed or locked files
in CCN system directories; files that although permissions seemed correct,
they weren't and would repeatedly resist updating regardless of numerous
tech interventions.  Once again, I used the RCS versions to salvage the
files by renaming the bad file in question, rebuilding a new version from 
the RCS version and reinstalling it using my fn-edit permissions and
creating an editable document which then worked.  I routinely clean up the
system directories with the latest versions of RCS files (by removing
certain RCS system files and then doing a brand new re-edit and changing
one character temporarily to force the system to recognize a modified page
and then saving tehe new edit to credte a smaller RCS page with the latest
revision only).

   In summary, RCS is a valuable resource for the many who do not use ftp
and who do not keep their own backups.  It would be difficult to
constantly restore editor-skewed files from system nightly backups when
we're talking only one file and not a whole directory.  For this reason,
Userhelp has always told users (without RCS) that if they lose a file in
their home directory, they're on their own.  The simple logistics of
trying to find someone's lost file in the multitude of user files in a
nightly system backup would eat up a ton of volunteer time.

   I would prefer to see the stripping out method of removal for ftp users
with a notice that RCS will be turned off in their particular directories 
as of a certain date and that from that date on, they will be responsible
for their own backups.  Blanket shutdown of RCS would be a travesty for
the many editors still editing online (and not just IP editors but any
system editors as well).



On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Andrew D. Wright wrote:

> 	If Tony (bless him) and a couple of other users have to have RCS,
> then just leave their directories with it. Purging it from the rest of
> Chebucto and in particular from any new IP directories strikes me as a
> great idea whose time has come. No need to alter code so FTP-only access
> doesn't create it (which ISTR was how this was supposed to have been
> resolved last time this surfaced, many months ago), with -no- RCS you can
> edit with FTP and text equally well - and it is so much quicker and
> easier.

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