All Editors Updating Area Page Links

Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 11:52:45 -0400
From: Michael J Cormier <>
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    Over the past few months now, CCN has been receiving comments from
the public and internally that our Link database (Also known as our area
pages, I.E., Arts, Science, Technology, etc.) is badly out of date. To
this I would now like to propose that over the next two weeks each area
editor be REQUIRED to sort through the links on your pages you maintain
and remove old, stale outdated content and also attempt to replace some
of it with newer more reliable links. I'd like this process to take 2
weeks and to hopefully be completed by February 15th. I'd also like each
editor to submit to me upon completion a list of what sites they have
removed and what sites they have added so that I may prepare a report
about this initiative. I'll also be splitting Professional Enterprise
and Commerce to Professionals and Businesses, if there are any
objections write me up about it. If I don't receive an answer from you
and you are an area editor, i'll assume that you no longer wish to
volunteer as an Editor and will re-assign your area to another editor.
Thank you for your time and good luck!
    Michael Cormier
    Editor In Chief, Chebucto Community Net

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