new ip for Culture/WFNS/

Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 10:04:47 -0400 (AST)
From: Joanne Merriam <>
To: "Michael J. Cormier" <>
cc:,, Chebucto Editors <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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Hi Michael. Thanks again for adding Jane!

I've got a related problem. In response to a suggestion from another user,
I sent a request to majordomo to add az833 to the list - and majordomo
replied saying it would seek permission from the 'owner' of the list. I
received email yesterday from Richard Cumyn (aa038) indicating he'd
received that email. Richard hasn't been an editor of the site for four
years (!) and doesn't wish to be on the ip-wfns list. I can see that he is
not listed below, but clearly he is listed someplace or the majordomo
software would not have emailed him. I wonder if you could remove him as
'owner' and make me (ae325) 'owner' instead? Many thanks.


On Thu, 9 Nov 2000, Michael J. Cormier wrote:

> Joanne;
>     az833 now has editing rights to the pages under Culture/WFNS/. az677 (Conal
> Donovan) has also been removed from that edit group.
> Current Editing Group Record.
>    [989] ip-wfns
>           [990] ae325 [991] az833
>     Regards.
>     Mike Cormier
>     Editor In Chief, CCN
> "Norman L. DeForest" wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I can't help with your first problem (userhelp volunteers have no more
> > access to other users' private files or records than anyone else on the
> > Internet) so I'm passing the buck to the tech team again to bump the
> > priority on this.
> >
> > In answer to your second question, the main problem seems to be a flaky
> > hard disk that occasionally reports less space available than it should
> > and file-saves fail because pine thinks there is no space available.  From
> > messages on the tech team mailing list, I understand that a new drive is
> > on order but it will take a while to get through customs.  As soon as it
> > arrives, CCN's server will be taken down for a while to move all user
> > files to the new drive.  Once that is done, these intermittant problems
> > should disappear (to be replaced by new problems?).
> >
> > And I have been having these problems too.
> >
> > I hope this answers at least one of your questions satisfactorily.  Feel
> > free to contact User Help again at if you have
> > further questions on this or any other topic concerning CCN.
> >
> > Norman De Forest
> >
> > CCN UserHelp (newbie) Team Leader
> >
> > On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Joanne Merriam wrote:
> >
> > > Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 15:42:19 -0400 (AST)
> > > From: Joanne Merriam <>
> > > To:
> > > Subject: new ip for Culture/WFNS/
> > >
> > > Should I have sent this to you? The techteam has not responded.
> > >
> > > Joanne Merriam, ae325
> > >
> > > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > > Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 16:18:22 -0400 (AST)
> > > From: Joanne Merriam <>
> > > To:
> > > Subject: new ip for Culture/WFNS/
> > >
> > > Hi there. Two things -
> > >
> > > 1) Wondering if we can add Jane Buss, az833, to the list of authorized ips
> > > for the Writers' Federation of Nova Scotia's website (Culture/WFNS)? I am
> > > the current ip and should be the only authorized ip at this time (could
> > > you check this too please?). So I'd like to change it so that I continue
> > > to be an ip, and anybody else currently on the list is removed, and Jane
> > > Buss (az833) is added. Many thanks.
> > >
> > > 2) Several times over the past week or so, pine has given me an error when
> > > I tried to send an email, saying there's no space. I personally haven't
> > > used up anything approaching my full disk space, so I presume this is a
> > > system-wide problem, and wasn't sure if anybody would have mentioned it to
> > > you all. So this is just a heads-up.
> > >
> > > Looking forward to your reply,
> > >
> > > Joanne Merriam
> > > ip-wfns
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Norman De Forest  
> >           [=||=]            (A Speech Friendly Site)
> > "<Memo to self: toilet before reading Clifto's posts.>"
> >       -- Patricia A. Shaffer in, July 23, 2000

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