IP process concerns from an IP editor

Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 15:24:29 -0400
To: ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca
From: Mark Rushton <Mark@chebucto.ns.ca>
Cc: editors@chebucto.ns.ca
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <editors-mml-owner@chebucto.ns.ca>

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Hi everyone,

The following is my response to an IP editor who does not like the 
idea of moving away from the old (I)nstall process and RCS (not 
mentioned in the letter, but from another conversation).


You wrote:

>Yuk!  Who needs another username and password?  I like the way the other
>three accounts are set up, that appear as subdirectories when I log in to
>my one and only Chebucto account, I have asked Andrew if he can make this
>one the same.

Chebucto is moving to a new form of website management, which is 
actually easier than the one we've all been using.  Once the techs 
get back to me on a bug in the database system, I'll add you as an 
editor (the way you want it to be) and you can edit from within your 
directory as usual.

>I dunno how many accounts YOU like to carry around but I like keeping the
>number I have to a minimum.  Also having separate accounts is much better
>when multiple people are editors for a page.

Hang with me for a couple of minutes while I outline the rationale 
we're going with...

Under the current system, each organization that wants a website on 
chebucto must get one of their members or their webmaster to apply 
for and obtain a personal account on our system.  Once that's done, 
they must undergo IP training in the (I)nstall process and deal with 
RCS.  When their training is approved, then they are registered as a 
member of the editing group for a particular organization, and may 
begin editing.

For organizations that want to host their websites on our server, 
that's a long, slow process.  Many groups contract out their services 
to somebody who does web-design professionally.  That person doesn't 
want to (and really, shouldn't need to) have to get a CCN personal 
account just to edit a website.

Our new process, which is available now, enables direct FTP 
uploads/downloads to the website directory.  The organization which 
signs an agreement with CCN is responsible for choosing their 
webmaster, and giving out the username/password for that FTP 
directory.  This makes it infinitely easier for an organization to 
manage their online presence as web-editors come and go.  They just 
change the password, if they desire, and pass the new info on to the 
next editor.  No need to create personal CCN accounts for each person.

The FTP path is also simpler.  And since the majority of people 
coming to CCN now prefer to use FTP than the slower, less efficient 
method of uploading files to a home directory / selecting the files / 
(I)nstalling the files / deleting or archiving the files in the home 
directory, we are trying to serve our modern user base.

Also consider that creating those personal accounts just for the 
purpose of a one-time upload of a newly-designed website adds bloat 
to Chebucto.  We just learned from our techs today that there are 
close to 5000 abandoned / unused / expired CCN personal accounts on 
the system, taking up space and resources (likely still collecting 
mail, etc.).  If we can nip that issue, so much the better.

So - we are still able to maintain the old system of personal account 
(I)nstalls to IP directories.  Whether on the longer term it remains 
possible to keep this and the newer system running side-by-side will 
be a challenge for our techies....

In any event, I'll let you know when the techs get back to me.  If 
you don't hear back from me before 9am tomorrow morning, then keep 
looking in the Install directory for Wayves as an option.  I'm out of 
town until Sunday night.  If you receive no resolution, send a 
message to <ccn-tech@chebucto.ns.ca> and <ccn-ip@chebucto.ns.ca>

Mark Rushton, Editor
Community Support & Development
Chebucto Community Network (CCN)

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