Interim IP registration proposal

Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 00:30:07 -0300 (ADT)
From: Edward Dyer <>
To: CCN Editorial Collective <>
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To: Mark Rushton <>
NOTE:    just editors, not ccn-editors
Subject: Re: Interim IP registration proposal

On Wed, 9 Aug 2000, Mark Rushton wrote:

> The Board directed at Tuesday evening's meeting that the office 
> revert to registering new organizational websites using the "old" 

> Essentially, we are creating records in both the IPDB and NAMEDB for 
> each organization.  This fulfils the old IPDB requirement that a CCN- 
> user be the website editor.
> We have two options:  Create identically-named entries in both 
> databases (i.e. "NSCUBA" in IPDB and "NSCUBA" in NameDB) which  would 
> (??) make the eventual reunion of the NameDB and revised IPDB easier 
> (?), or the NameDB entry could be  "NSCUBA-webmaster" to 
> differentiate but still create a relationship that is obvious.

I don't think there is a direct conflict, either way, as far as the
software is concerned.  We do need to be consistently correct in
terms of recording data required by the forms, so that we don't end
up with the kind of errors that were placed in some of our databases
in the past by overly casual data entry.  Ther will be some
duplication of effort in the data entry until the revised IPDB is in

> This also reinstates the location of the new organization within the 
> information tree structure (i.e., under "Community Support" or 
> "Environment", etc.
> The process:
> 1. An organization wishes to host their website on CCN.  They contact 
> the office and submit the *new* (board-approved) "neighbourhood 
> account" agreement, which is the only one in force.
> 2. The office undertakes the steps that IPs in the past had to perform, namely:
> 	- enters the information in the online IP registration form
>   	- creates a new user via the online registration form, using
> 	  the same name as the IP.  (i.e., if  NSCUBA is the new IP coming
>    	  aboard, then NSCUBA is entered as a new user also)

I think we are still restricted to 8 character names here, aren't

The new user is the same as an ordinary IP editor, as far as system
access is concerned.  There may be a slight delay in processing, as
the "user" entry will probably need to be processed (by the cron
scripts) before the id will be accepted by the IP registration
process.  This may not necessarily happen if the "user" account is
created by the office admin process directly.  Once this is tried by
the office, it would be useful to report the results. 

The so-called "ml-priv" editors mailing list is required by the
system, as it currently stands.  It will be created with the
"editor" user as its only member.  As always, it needs a name that
is different from any actual users, I would suggest nscuba-mail for
the example above (not subject to the 8-character limit, I believe.) 
If the editor does not wish to use it for whatever purposes (either
the intended use of feedback to the website (mailto's etc.) or some
other use, then IT CAN BE IGNORED until someone tries to subscribe
to it, which they shouldn't since it will be a hidden list, not
visible to majordomo's lists command.)

> 3. The IPDB will notify the EIC that a new record has been added.

Chris Majka reports that if the registration form is used, the
automatic report goes to the ip-admin mailing list.  If you create a
new entry directly in the IPDB scripts, there is no report, so an
e-mail to ip-admin would be helpful to keep the editors on track.

> 4.  The IPDB record is updated to reflect TRAINED, even though we do not
>       require this for the new organizational websites.

Anyone who has editing privileges in the IPDB script can update
this, as Chris reported.

> 5.  The Office deletes the  PUBLIC_HTML  directory from the "user" 
> account associated with the IPDB account (to clarify the FTP 
> destination directory, which is accessible via the "00ip" directory 
> in the NameDB user directory)

(shhh ... remember that ftp is the only access we want them using
for file management.  Text access would result in that directory
being automatically recreated if it were deleted.  If we just want
to stop it from being used, then a read-only Profile.html of zero
bytes, and an index.html containing a redirect to the actual IP
directory would be useful.)  Note that there will also be a mail
directory created if there is any sent mail or mail folders created
on the system, e.g. by Webmail or IMAP4 access.) 

> 6.  The Office notifies the organization and its selected webmaster 
> that the account is active and ready for files to be FTP'd.  The 
> Office notifies the org. and webmaster of the FTP path to be used, to 
> avoid confusion.

Note that the effective path seems to vary depending on which
software is used for uploading - conventional ftp is straight
forward of course, but some of the editing packages with "built in
file transfer" require a customized setup which we should document.

> NOTE that this provides for the organization to have a WebMail 
> account, accessible via CCN's homepage, which was not a feature of 
> the "new" process.

But is a good thing!

> NOTE that this is only intended as an INTERIM solution until the IPDB 
> is revised, and we have a clearer, better-functioning process.
> Unless there are CRITICAL reasons for not going ahead with this, we 
> would appreciate only constructive criticism  ;-)

I hope the above is not taken as criticism, just operating notes of
things to watch out for :-)

> I have made every effort to make this summary accurate; there may be 
> mistakes, and as they are revealed to me I will send them on. NOTE 
> that we are on a TIGHT timeline to get this going, and continue the 
> process of rebuilding our online content.
> Thank-you, and goodnight.

Thank you, Mark, for putting this together, so succinctly.

Ed Dyer   (902) H 826-7496  CCN Postmaster    W 426-4894  CSuite Technical Workshop
Religion Page Editor, Chebucto Community Network

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