Heresy, heresy, heresy!

Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2000 11:54:44 -0300 (ADT)
From: "David L. Potter" <>
To: Johnathan Thibodeau <>
cc: Sharon Parker <>, "Douglas J. McCann" <>, Bob Adams <>,,
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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I'm afraid I still have problems with this whole approach... my personal 
opinion is that having a default set of colours that are problematic for 
users with a disability is something we should make _every_ attempt to 

By continuing to pursue a 'technical' solution I would guess that people 
are so personally committed to this colour scheme that it seems impossible 
to change it to a more appropriate set of colours. If so then we have gone 
from what one group thought was a bad design to what another group thinks is 
a bad design... this is _exactly_ why I have argued for several years that 
nobody within the organization should be involved with the design.... 
people get attached to their favourite and good sense goes right out the 


With respect to the implementation... putting the onus on a visitor/user 
to find a link that will allow them to set a cookie to change their 
colours to something that will allow them to see the links is a _BIG_ 
stretch... or am I the only one who thinks this is way out there...

Are we going to put this link on every page or hope that everybody finds 
us through the subset of documents that have this option...

And finally, having people select numbers is pretty close to pure 
geekdom... ;-) maybe a one or two presets selections like "Your Browser 
Default" or a colour palett that they could select from, in addition to 
the flexible but esoteric pick a number, any number... (I know it's a 
proof of concept... but it's just too too  good not to comment on... 

And while we're offering a "Your Default Browser" option why don't we 
just change the template colours to something that works with the default 
browser colours and move on to another project... like getting more 
presence on the homepage for our IP/content providers...


On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Johnathan Thibodeau wrote:

> 	This discussion seems to of gone stale the past couple of days, but I
> haven't seen any solution set in place yet. And I do believe it is still
> of importance.
> 	I wrote a couple of days ago that there would probably be a server
> side solution to this problem, so I got to work on it. On Tuesday morning
> I tried my theory and I was pleased to see it work.
> 	It involves cgi, ssi, and cookies, and I have a test science
> section at that demonstraites
> this. At the bottom of every page there is a link to a page that will let
> you change the colours of text, link, and vlink.
> 	This would require no changes to be made to the existing pages,
> and the only changes would be to only two of the template pages.
> 	It's not quite finished yet, but it does work. If you give it a
> try, set you colours (you can use red, blure, purple, green ... or any of
> the accepted colour names), submit it, and if you have cookies enabled on
> your borwser, go back a few pages and the colours should take effect.
> 						Johnathan Thibodeau
> 						Tech / Editor
> On Tue, 1 Aug 2000, Sharon Parker wrote:
> > Hello everyone.
> > 
> > Donna's frustration illustrates the flaw in the ointment of our webmaster
> > process. I'm greatly impressed with the job that Doug and Mike have been
> > doing on this. It hasn't been easy; it's an intricate and complicated
> > process. The webmaster and EIC duo is a great system, and it has taken us
> > into a new realm of discussion and cooperation about our website, but . . 
> > 
> > We need to set deadlines for our discussions, we need to make firm
> > decisions, and we need to designate individuals to implement solutions. 
> > 
> > I've added this as an agenda item for next Tuesday's Board meeting.
> > Perhaps the Board can help to tighten up the process for our webmaster and
> > our EIC.
> > 
> > Let me know if you have any strong opinions on this.
> > 
> > BTW, I've written a personal note to Donna -- in an attempt to explain our
> > growing pains.
> > 
> > Sharon
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Donna Randell wrote:
> > 
> > > Gentlemen:
> > > 
> > > I first brought up the colour issue shortly after the change was made and was assured that
> > > steps would be taken to correct it as you had received many complaints re: difficulty using
> > > the new pages.  I wrote as a Chebucto Member - not representing NGB -although it happens to
> > > be a site I use frequently and am involved with.  Do not presume that I represent that
> > > site.
> > > 
> > > BUT as a Chebucto Member I complained about colour choices that are less than satisfactory
> > > to me.  The old set-up of the Chebucto pages worked just fine- for me -but the change
> > > doesn't. I will also point out that you requested me to help work on new colour choices.
> > > Shortly before I left for vacation (three weeks ago) I was given the impression that this
> > > matter was resolved.
> > > 
> > > Now that being said - I - as a Chebucto Member - who was assured a successful conclusion of
> > > this matter - request that you set aside all the technical verbiage and simply do the
> > > necessary tweaking of codes needed to make the colouring of the links work.  The solution
> > > seems to appear in Andrew's letter following - or in the letter from Bob.
> > > 
> > > I sincerely hope this matter is resolved shortly. The problem has been clearly defined,
> > > discussed and solutions have been offered which were found to work.  I simply cannot
> > > understand what is the hold up!
> > > 
> > > Please just fix the colours!
> > > Donna Randell
> > > 
> > > Subject:
> > >             Re: Proposed change to CCN template
> > >        Date:
> > >             Sun, 09 Jul 2000 20:25:59 -0300
> > >       From:
> > >             Donna Randell <>
> > >         To:
> > >             "Andrew D. Wright" <>
> > >         CC:
> > >   ,
> > >  References:
> > >             1
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > YES!!!!!  THIS WORKS FOR ME!!!  High contrast - and everyone can choose
> > > colours that work
> > > for them - In my case red.
> > > 
> > > Thank you Andrew and all for working through this problem.  I do appreciate
> > > all you do at
> > > Chebucto.  And even more so now that things can work again for me,  I hope
> > > this can go into
> > > place soon!
> > > 
> > > T