CCN: Monthly IP Report - Sat Jul 01/00 (fwd)

Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 09:59:09 -0300 (ADT)
From: "David L. Potter" <>
To: "Douglas J. McCann" <>
cc: Mike Cormier <>,
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Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 02:40:52 -0300
From: root <>
Subject: CCN: Monthly IP Report - Sat Jul 01/00

CCN IP Monthly Report for June, 2000


Hits  = from monthly URL Stats
Msgs  = from monthly Mailing List report
Docs  = documents modified last 30 days.
Files = not counting image files
Usage = Kb of disk space used

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

            bb      0     2     7   151  17983 BeaverBank Community Access Sites

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

        nature      0     0     0     0        Nature's Art & Design
         index     19     0     0     1     18 Atlantidex
    blackriver     32     0     0    25   2534 Black River Productions Ltd.
         triad     24     0     0    28   1930 Triad Film Productions Ltd.
           rmj    105     0     0    18    868 RMJ Fitness & Rehabilitation Consultants

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

        career      0     0     0     0        NS Career
          iaap    538     0     0    38    580 International Association of Administrative Professionals
          aaae    302     3     3    29    158 Atlantic Association of Applied Economists
                  314     0     0     1      6 Halifax Women's Network
           cim    235     1     0    21     47 Canadian Institute of Management, Halifax-Dartmouth Branch
          pmac    315    13     0    24    375 Purchasing Management Association of Canada
                  146     4     0     1      2 Nova Scotia Association of Architects
                  289     2     0    39    213 Regional Atlantic Trading Note Association
         atins   1745     6     0    49   1049 Association of Translators and Interpreters of Nova Scotia

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

           vrc      0     0     0     0        Volunteer Resource Centre
                    0     0     0     0        DALnet Friends
      grainery      0     0     0     0        North Commons Food Coop
                  538     2     0    26    224 Youth for Social Justice
           ncc    980    50     0    51   1761 Network For Creative Change
                 2152    16    12    35   1575 Community Health Promotion Network Atlantic
        wayves    609     2     0    12    524 Wayves
       nbgsara     17     0     1   318   4037 New Brunswick Ground Search and Rescue Association
     mineville    571     0    25    47   1839 Mineville Community Association
                  145     2     0     1      9 Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth Project
       VicHall     54     0     0     4     36 Victoria Hall
                  709     7     2    20    259 Toastmasters
          svfo     20     0     0     1      3 Sackville Volunteer Firefighters Organization
                  289     0     0    36    349 Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group
        nscuba    360     7   342   140  14056 The Nova Scotia-Cuba Association
        unicef     28     0     0     1      8 UNICEF Halifax Committee
                  179     4     0    17     51 Metropolitan Immigrant Settlement Association
                 2658    17     2    51    980 Halifax Amateur Radio Club
    directions     52     0     0     2     11 4Directions Women's Funding Coalition
           333     61     0     0     3     51 Citizens on Patrol: Route 333
      critical     75     0     0     5     55 Critical Mass Halifax
         hrsar    121     0     0     0      0 Halifax Regional Search and Rescue
           m4c  12280     5     2   468   6209 Men for Change
 solidarity-ns     28     0     0     3     41 Solidarity Nova Scotia
       spencer     49     0     0     2     79 Spencer House Seniors' Centre
         pride   1460    51     6    12    707 Halifax Pride Committee
    non-racist    123     5     0     5     17 Coalition of Non-racist Society
                  352     4     0    10     86 Voice of Women, Nova Scotia
                  523     0     0    58   1047 Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Dartmouth-Halifax Metro
                  119     0     0     2    219 Metro United Way
                 3245    31     0   165   1539 CUSO Atlantic
                  603     0     0    24    244 Association for Media Literacy of Nova Scotia
           shc    301     6     0    19     81 Self-Help Connection
        nsceis    282   118    10    30    736 Nova Scotia Campaign to End Iraq Sanctions
                  249     0     0     9     83 Amnesty International Nova Scotia
        cmhans     66     0     0     1     16 Canadian Mental Health Association
       ccn-ipe     80     3     2     2      5 Information Provider Editors of Chebucto
           HFH    363     5     0    23    260 Habitat for Humanity Halifax-Dartmouth
           gpi     29     0    62   191   5565 GPI Atlantic

       JumpKey   Hits  Msgs Files  Docs  Usage Name

       coastal      0     0     0     0        Coastal Dance Theatre
          caps      0     0     0     0        Contemporary Art Projects Society
      amethyst     91    20     0     1      2 Amethyst Scottish Dancers of Nova Scotia
                 1589     1     0    50   2723 Nova Scotia Choral Federation
      dplayers    503     0     1    27    657 Dartmouth Players
                 1991   105     1    95   1681 Halifax Dance
          cfat    524     2     0    15    302 Centre For Art Tapes
                  718     0     4    16    162 Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Nova Scotia
      irondale    378     0     0    33    229 Irondale Ensemble Project
        onaxis     78     1     0     5    926 OnAxis Dance
          fans     43     0     0     1     20 Folkdancer's Association of Nova Scotia
          wfns   7270    19    21   257   6454 Writer's Federation of Nova Scotia
          wtcc    672     1     0    12    118 Womens Theatre and Creativity Centre
         shift   1570     1     0    82   8019 Shifting Boundaries
           ash     46     7     0     1     56 Atlantic Spinners and Handweavers Guild
       dancens   4160    20     0    88   1030 Dance Nova Scotia
          soma    243     0     0    19   1369 Soma
   mockingbird  47016   113    13    51   1419 Harper Lee & To Kill a Mockingbird
           cbb    213     0     3    22    369 Chebucto Big Band
            ID    683     0     0   118   8671 Incomplete Dislocations
    barbershop    239     0     0     1     24 Darmouth City of Lakes Barbershop Chorus
        srdfns    599     0    16    30   2470 Square and Round Dance Federation of Nova Scotia
           hfs    385     5     7    13    378 Harbour Folk Society
        juggle   3723     3     0    60    852 Bluenose Juggling Club
          live   1866    11     0    47   1290 Live Art Productions
