list owner stuff

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 09:31:03 -0400
To: "David L. Potter" <>
From: Mark Rushton <>
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(this was originally a direct reply, but after writing it I thought 
it would be relevant to all editors)

David Potter wrote:
>I've not followed the roll-out, is there a problem with Lynx and
>the *.shtml pages...?

Hi David,... no, problem with my understanding of how things work!

I have extensively revised the Volunteer Cttee webpages.  During 
testing phase, I simply duplicated the filenames, with my new 
versions being distinct only in that they have the  .shtml  extension.

I had (have!) no idea how the server knows what to serve up:  If you 
hit the directory directly (i.e. /Chebucto/Volunteers/ ) then the 
index.html  (old) file would load.   The old "Committees" section of 
the "about.shtml" page also pointed directly to the 
/Volunteers/index.html    page.

I didn't know what the methodology was to force a redirection to the 
new  index.shtml  file... though through trial and error I see that 
the server automatically loads the   .shtml   in the absence of any 
.html  so no problem.  I had thought that there was some 
techie-voodoo stuff that had to happen.

Andrew told me to "just put in a symlink"  ... what the hell's a 
symlink?  Perhaps we should have a one-day "how to" workshop for the 
Area Editors, put on by the tech cttee ?  Wouldn't that transfer of 
knowledge be nice?  (I'm thinking dynamite & matches in the hands of 

Um.... did that answer your question?

Mark Rushton, Editor
Community Support & Development
Chebucto Community Network (CCN)

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