restrict post removed...

Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 11:16:27 -0300 (ADT)
From: Christopher Majka <>
To: "Michael J. Cormier" <>
Precedence: bulk
Return-Path: <>

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Hi All!

On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Michael J. Cormier wrote:

> 	I told this to David but he wishes to try it open and see if anything
> explodes/blow up/etc... The way David explained to me is that if Spam is
> still getting through it shouldn't and he's going to try and stop it.

Whew ... this is a tall order! ;-> I seriously pursue SPAM violations. 
Even though I run a large series of spam filters (via .procmail) on my
account, still a vast number get through since spammers are so adept at
utilizing open relays in places like China, Korea, Nepal, India, etc. As
soon as I put a filter to catch one, like a hydra, another one pops up. In
the forseable future I can't imagine any filters that would cut it all
out. My poistion (as EIC) was that it was better that I dealt with it and
sent it to /dev/null rather than having it re-distributed to to all the
editors subscribers and in the past [pre-restricted post era] several
editors voiced strong concerns about the amount of spam that this list
generated in their mailboxes. One fellow even quit because of this (I'll
name no names). I took this as a serious concern

> My thing was that the MOTD says to send mail to the editors list about
> the new changes to the Homepage, problem is anything that anyone sends
> bounces to me. But this is the list that that info should go to.

Agreed. I know it can be a pain forwarding these messages back to
majordomo, however, this should only be for the short term (part of the
price of being the EIC? ;->). In the past year+ the spam/legitimate post
ratio of the editors list has been (I would conservatively say) at least

> Thoughts David? 

Ditto? ;->



Christopher Majka		                <>
Editor: Culture & Philosophy - Chebucto Community Net, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada.     URL =

"Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love and of thought,
which, in the course of centuries, have enabled man to be less enslaved."
						-- Andre Malraux, 1957

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